Friday, January 7, 2011


The rewrites for the play 'Rise' are coming along marvelously. I am free now to write the story I wish to write but it promises to be very controversial as love for some reason threatens. It is a love story that touches on our cultural complexities. It is designed to address reasons for bigotry. Incidentally while on the topic, I need to also clarify some of the things I have said about race because it is important to understand that racism exists from both communities in the Bahamas and really we never understand the subtly when it happens to us. The Bahamas and Bahamians are very good at disguising it. I know that I do not have a racist bone in my body for anyone so it is often very obvious to me when I experience it or when it is happening around me. I end up shaking my head and saying 'dese tings is be comin' from dem'.This also applies to class as well. People are very class conscious here and there is much discrimination on those fronts as well.Personally, I take anyone as they are and either I like you or I don't irrespective of who you are. I truly do not have any time for this immaturity that exists here but dispise tthe 'racist' or 'classist' whomever they are most of all. They too can come in all sizes, races, genders and orientations...

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