Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Art and the love of writing....

It is time now to begin writing from a center of a 'truth' away from the pretense of what this may mean culturally. This culture in my opinion has stopped progressing and refuses to adopt new innovative minds if it hasn't anything to do with money,profit or power. It is a game that far too many people are prepared to play. That has always been our greatest tragedy. It is why we have become an exploited people who feel they have lost their soul for a Nation or themselves. Like I said, keep them drinking at the party then plan around them while they are the ones to make the 'money'. There is often more talk about this than books in the classroom that should be about empowerment and progressing the mind.I will not be afraid to include any 'human' themes that relate to me with a full identity as a gay person. It is deep and profound. It embodies a Universe that transcends race, class, politics and gender. I have the courage now to do so with confidence and intelligently. It is not just existing within a community with acceptance but going beyond to feel free to discuss it openly.I speak from the heart and conscience so academia has little time for me.It is how I wish to communicate in art however away from their words of disassociation. I seldom correct my spelling mistakes - I will try to do so more. It is a backlash from the correction of the University experience. I feel I touch people more with an open honesty that relates to my personal experiences. I feel more fulfilled that way. I hope some appreciate my often clumsy attempts at 'truth'. It is what Walt Whitman taught me. I have always tried to do so but now it is without allusion. I believe I speak about love and spirituality more than anything else but must see myself now within that complex reality. I shall never retire from creating but I am learning to do it more humbly with light and love as its source primarily. I have chosen to do all of this on my blog as a freedom protest as for some reason I am excluded from the arts and cultural community, like so many others whether gay or straight. This too has become more about power games rather providing spaces for all of us as Bahamians. I feel we should all break out of those 'molds' they are attempting to construct for us without including the vast majority of our 'voices'. Words are powerful tools when used honestly. I choose to do it with love at the core...peace and love to you...

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