Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chicken or Egg?...

I had an enlightening conversation this morning about which came first the chicken or the Egg. It is sad really that I still do have these conversations here when science over the centuries has made such strides in proving that completely. It is a metaphor but a dumb one. I believe that it can be proven that the Egg probably came first through flying reptiles and through an evolutionary process - you need to check on that as I am not sure but have some vague recollection.Dinosaurs inhabited the earth long before we ever did.That is the problem I have with theology and its teaching in terms of progress or enlightenment. I suppose we will have to go through those stories again and again because it is about people's power fundamentally. It happens a lot here and really one I cannot go back to by any stretch of the imagination. I do believe that there is an intelligent designer of the Universe of which light, energy and love is its source emanating from a point of infinity. It is a make up, I have faith, we are all a part of irrespective of who we are. For me it really isn't about witch craft or Voodoo ceremonies which is what I keep hearing from this arts and cultural community. I have had to step away from that and them as I do believe that the earth does consist of energies and if not used wisely can have a sever backlash - that is my superstition. Really, that is not being black or anything else for me. I have too much intelligence for that so why not use it. It isn't based on our theocracy either which has not embraced 'Modernity' with science that has successfully challenged these archaic teachings. I believe there are many truths to some stories from all peoples an cultures but I try to look at the bigger picture before the origins of the first story at the moment of creation and what I imagine that to look like. I hope I have explained this successfully of how I believe that to be through my own stories and metaphors and beliefs in a natural order. It is just my opinion -that's all.I believe we are a part of the great macro universe of which there is divine purpose created for everybody. I went the pain staking process of explaining some of these symbols that may crop up around us culturally and what they may mean spiritually. Some just follow ignorantly. Its all about love for me but sometimes you do have to leave people behind if they are only going to follow themselves or for power only. Critical thinking is the way forward not just Biblical prophecy or cultural back stepping. I don't know what went wrong with the minds of our people.Intelligent design means just that so use your minds wisely and intelligently...make peace not war...

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