Monday, January 24, 2011

Assimulation and a process of recovery...

Most Native and African peoples I know are in some sort of recovery. Much of their culture over the centuries has been assimulated by Western and European culture thus there is a process of reclaiming some of what has been lost to generations which has frustrated its natural evolution. There needs to be more justice about it. It is a sensitive topic for many around the world and really there should be a better understanding of why this dialogue needs to take place. People are often afraid of the subject because there is a lot of anger surrounding it.The challenges of Modern culture puts additional pressure for further assimulation. I do not wish to confuse this with what I mean by Modernity. Actually, many Modern artists drew much of their inspiration by exploring these various earth cultures including Eastern philosphies. They, like I, were idealists that saw universal truths in many of our realities. Most of what I have put onto my blog can be studied but one must remember that they came through the creative process - some were quite new to me. I wish to explore these earth cultures because it is healing and they are traditionally spiritual by Nature at its core. I am very European when ready and in a global world we borrow and steal from many things. I prefer to keep it that way. There is much I can learn from everybody. I am also of mixed heritage so I will naturally see things within some sort of hybrid. I walked around in confusion for many years about it but I have found some reconciliation between the two, Europe being just as important to this process. I believe there are two Bahamas operating, those who exist in the energy of light and positivity and they are doing progressive things, the other is the darkness of loss and dispair. Culture can spring form both but it is this 'darkness' that evil can occurr. This is not a class or race but those who have given up on hope or themselves. I had to make the grown up decision to decide which world I wished to be a part of. I have chosen the light. It does mean abandoning those 'old' ideas that restrict progressive thought from happening. In this I see much hope for a Nation and now for myself. The problem that occurs with many cultures going through the 'reclaim of self' is its adaptablitiy to 'modern' realities in its desire for more equality whether women's or gay rights for example in anew technical age. This has fractured and splintered a people. It all sounds tragic but this schism does ensure that discussions do eventually take place as in my circumstance. It was important for me to speak now and claim self. It is justice.My loyalty is to the progress to our Democracy as this safeguards all of our rights. I'm here now and will make a little drop toward that reality - my instrument art!...peace, love and justice....

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