Sunday, January 23, 2011

Light and Love...

I felt it was important to take the route I have gone down as an artist and with regards to my personal acceptance of self. I intend to grow creatively with these revelations free of fear. Some of these ideas may appear cliched to some but I believe them to be 'truth'. It is also about the creator's acceptance of me. I believe I have it and am what I was created to be. Based on what was going around, my confidence was shaken about the entire thing. Demagogues can make you believe that they are right and you have no right based on what they believe . It is a presumption based on an arrogance that sees only 'their' way as being the only way. They are not satisfied just to live according to their conscience but want you to live under thumb to it. Psychologically, I had fallen into many of their 'oppressive' traps. It is a necessary journey I make. A Democracy relies on two things, what a majority of a collective decides for a community based on its laws but more importantly guaranteeing an individual's right to challenge what these laws are with regards to personal freedoms. This is sacrosanct. It really does depend on what the question is that is being asked but everyone should have that right. The problem with the Bahamas is we do not accept readily another's right even if it is Law that is there to protect that individual. Many believe that this will open up the flood gates to issues such as gay unions and perhaps it will but what is wrong with that? If two consenting adults wish to live together in love who should be the one to stop that and what harm does it cause any other? Does it break down the family? My assertion is that gay people are a part of that family structure and also have rights.I am offended by many lifestyles here but because we tolerate them culturally then some how it is accepted. They have become the norm. A person should have that right to decide for themselves how they wish to live their lives as long as it is conducted to respect the other's right. It is when issues are not discussed maturely and openly that things become twisted and distorted. It is unhealthy for a Community not to do so and where abuses happen the most. Judging from extra marital affairs and the many illegitimate children going around, the union of marriage is something that has never really been respected here. Who is to judge based on this we have already accepted collectively. It is hypocrisy. I am not advocating anything merely drawing allusions to some fears that have been expressed. Minority rights are respected here according to law but there is still much discrimination within this society regarding them. So I say to anyone who may be going through this struggle follow your own path and live it with confidence as it is your entitlement beyond the demagoguery and hypocrisy of others. You may pay for it however, I am a poor artist simply because I have stepped on many 'toes'. It is justified when living according to conscience and standing up for what is right. I have learned one thing in my short life, nothing comes easy and you have to work at anything to make it happen...peace, love and light...

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