Monday, January 10, 2011

Declaration Charter for Independence...

1) My Identity is not a commodity as it involves the 'soul' and that is not for sale!
2)I reserve the right as a free citizen of this country to charter the course for my own destiny through my own self determination as a woman and as a free thinking human being unfettered.
3) I will respect the rights of others whomever that may be and know that you have equal rights according to conscience and God but my rights must also be respected fully.
4)I reserve the right to love whomever I wish free of another's interference of that right.
5) My right to freedom of spirituality is a divine right that belongs totally to me and of a greater universe. I have the right to choose that free of another's perspective.
6) Free speech and free thinking is essential to my progress as a human being and I will defend that right -peacefully.
7)Love is at the center of my identity so I reserve the right to stay away from those who hate whomever that may be.
8) It is part of my divine course to develop creatively as a human being free of persecution.
9) Racism or racists and any form of bigotry is denied access within my consciousness. I will challenge it and will expose it in others or myself.

These are my chartered rights that will grow and develop as I do. I am part of an inter-dependent world and universe. Peace and be free...

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