Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Christmas time and new years is a terrible for recovering addicts. Everyone is in 'party' mode and the temptations there are great. I had decided to stay planted in my new watering hole- Starbucks to have my fill of coffee and Internet services which my entries you are privy to. God works in mysterious ways and I take this as an encouragement to stay on course as I can become quite weak during this time. I walked in today and discovered that I had won a $25.00 gift certificate for Star bucks in a raffle. However one perceives it, I will have lots of money to spend in there for the next week which has become my safe haven. It will be my port in the storm.
On a more serious note, if one is battling alcoholism or any other form of addiction then be a good courage and know there is a life after. I feel healthier, more focused than I've been for years and younger. I am living in the light, not separated by a darkness that eventually can become a lonely journey into isolation. Recovery has been a way of moving into the metaphor and living it rather than seeing it merely as a symbol.The battle to climb out and get back into the land of the living has been difficult but well worth the struggle after years of abuse. I have added a quality to my life that has been missing for a long time. I am actually meeting people who have responsibilities and ambition. It can rub off on one. How I got into this mess in beyond my comprehension but I believe it had to do with giving up on life and feeling it with fear. I hung on with hope along the way but now I am experiencing some true form of happiness and fulfillment. I meet many recovering addicts in Starbucks. Each of us feel the need to renew friendships and have a place to go without the harsh cultural denigrate we have in the Bahamas where alcohol and other substances are so prevalent.
My entries at times are more cathartic as in tonight as I really do want a drink and writing about it helps avoid the cravings. Stay strong in your recovery if this is your story whomever one is and from ever walk. I am learning to relive life with care and don't worry about those who may be insensitive to your condition without empathy. They are not necessarily the one's you need to be around...

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