Thursday, November 27, 2008

I wish to rid this land

of poly-mites
the ones now emerging
in our state
by returning to the days
of Roman gladiators
to a lesser time of strife and hate
we'd let them fight like wild animals
in arenas for all to see
hold no elections
let them fight a duel
and win by royal decree
or have them play a game of concher
each nut to split the other's head
to whack each other harder still
until the other's dead
this other sport
is far less civilized
with very little honor involved
so throw these christians
to the lions
and watch 'em
while they're mauled

Poly-mite: my contrived word to describe political parasites
-Concher: an english children's game with a concher nut tied at the end of a string

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