Sunday, November 7, 2010

Transition and Change...

When I gave up drinking it was a scary process. I literally had a creative block. I was void of any ideas but struggled on putting paint to blank space. It was hard as I believed that my creativity came from the bottle. Actually during this time in retrospect there was a purity in my art that reflected an honest approach to the formal principles but more importantly who I was as a person. I truly had given up on life before this point. Art came easily to me and as long as I had that i didn't care. When that became threatened I really felt I had nothing without it. It was worth the pain of that however as now that I have regained this creativity back it is clearer and not out of balance with myself. I talk about the darkness striving for light in the images of my art but really this is a common theme that happens to artist from the 19th century English poet Tennyson to any contemporary artist who often sees themselves in isolation. It was important for me to let in the light. I did not value what it was I was doing and really during this time there were some artists who recorded what I did. There is much there and I am grateful to them. I do have to reiterate this, as it was just repeated to me by one of our finest artist here in the bahamas (Hilton Woodside) that realism for him is just picture not art. I agree but people usually are comfortable with what they know and fear what they do not understand. This journey I have done is about integration. I do not recommend it as it can be very painful with a lot of rejection and at times I hated. I still do sometimes. Sadly people normally view success as dominion over another rather than releasing the ego into trusting a higher understanding to see true equality and love. That too can be painful as no on should follow anyone or anything blindly without question or reason. People normally follow their envy, jealousy and hate that is why they seldom can rise above that.
I wish to start onto canvas again. I hope things start picking up financially so I can make this change. It is time to make this transition as I feel there will be interesting developments emerging in my art. I also will begin displaying my poetry again. So with the help of the creative forces I will begin expanding on what I have been discussing...peace, love and respect...

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