Monday, November 15, 2010

Love and the process of healing...

I do wish to thank the people at the Sandi lands rehabilitation Hospital for helping along in my recovery for drinking in their drug and Alcohol unit. I took the program there for six months. It is hard to admit that one has a problem and in this case it was an intervention which forced me to face that. I am very forthright about it as I believe there is no shame in admitting when one is on a destructive path. There are three very beautiful councilors whom I am indebted to and their work is selfless as they have very little resources but gave their heart and soul into what they do. There are many people like that in the Bahamas. Remember I am not claiming anything more than using my ability as an artist to self heal. I needed a higher force to help me along. One will always be an alcoholic and it is a daily effort. I thank God everyday for helping me through. My art is my life. I live it and I am no prophet but do create intuitively. I have a lot going on in my head. This is my truth and I claim nothing more than that. Peace be on your journey with love and may your light blind...

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