Saturday, February 5, 2011

There and back again..

I often berate the work that I have done in the past particularly with my writing. I have always used stream of consciousness within them so there is a search for truth but I was seeing things from the measurement of the great poets and writers. I am a avid fan of Tennyson and John Donne, the Irish poets (all) and Russian literature. I am a romantic in my sentiments and admire the 19th century writers - I love the Modernists such as Brecht, Becket and Pirandello.There is a transcendentalism and questioning in all of their works that has helped me to understand this higher meaning I crave for in my art - they speak of liberties whether physical or spiritual. Even though they come from a different era, they touch on universal realities full of human frailties. I have done little correction to my work and it is needed but I plan to do this when I publish them in a book of poetry later on. My departure came when I needed to hear my own 'voice' away from them in finding my personal truth. This is the point that you are meeting me at. I had to leave some of these thinkings behind for awhile as many were very orthodaox and Catholic in understandings which is so common with English and Western literature- all is a path to enlightenment however and there is truth for all who search it out. So it is not merely an affectation in my previous works but I felt a vaccum in the process as it did not involve the physical me. I have worked out a personal philosophy for myself that I can now follow within my creative expression and life. I still love the great Classics and they will always draw inspiration from me. So I have gone from old to new and back again. They are all touch stones that have influenced my creativity. As much as I enjoy talking about myself always, there is a need for me to conceptualize on a theme and create stories from my imagination. I vacilate between the two. I will start again formulating this structure and discipline to my work but it was important to let go of it for a moment. Spiritually, I have settled on learning more about Buddhism as it is a beautiful philosophy free of the formal trappings of Religious doctrine. I believe I am being led spiritually to do so...peace to you...

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