Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Full Circle...

I have come full circle with regards to what I believe in and my philosophies. If anyone has been a follower my blog and web page from the very beginning they will remember that I had much of these spiritual and interlectual understandings constructed onto it with full pictures and images. In a moment of insanity one drunken evening I had destroyed all of it including my original poetry writings and art work. I managed to retrieve most of it but much was lost. I did not bother to put back up my web page as it was too much work. Really, I had not intergrated any of this interlectual information or philosophies I had put onto these pages as part my life or creativity however. Now through this transformation, I embark on a new journey which involves all of it with mind, body and soul as part of my creative expression and spirituality...peace to you...

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