Friday, February 11, 2011

Buddhism and freedom...

A thought came to me immediately as I began to think seriously about becoming a student of Buddhism, would I fall into the traps that I have done in the past with other spiritual paths I have gone down? I am very partial to Native American and aboriginal teachings but I was never a student. I grew up as a Christian and know that well but have attempted to respect and learn about many other faiths. I thought of the creative journey that I have just taken and this to me is about liberating myself fully. A fear came over me that I may be falling into the same patterns as before. Many if not all, including Buddhism is very male centered. I seek to deconstruct those orders in my life. Do women have a unique spirituality? I believe we do or rather we have been often neglected and drowned out by many. I am a critical thinker and believe in that process most of all, it is how I approach life. So I embark on this road accompanied with my ability to reason. The book I have begun to read is entitled 'Opening the Lotus - A woman's guide to Buddhism'. It was a gift that I now cherish and promises to be ' a gentle and knowing introduction to the ways of Buddhism'. It should make for interesting reading and one that I may embrace with a full and healthy understanding of my feminine ethos. I strive for freedom and wish not to place another cloak around me. This to me is about becoming naked in truth. It is my search for a greater understanding of the Universe within a culture of peace - this is liable to change as I chose not to be fixed in any particaular thing. Having said that, I respect and admire the teachings of Buddhism and hope to learn much on this new venture..peace to you, and love...

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