Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Believe....

I believe in love
the sum total
of the heart
and what it gives
the passing of blood
its fathomless depths
in loving another
I have felt
the beat of its wind
and it has set me free
I believe in that
the song of poetry
encompassing the world
and all there in
I believe in you...
after the darkness
living in solitary
the sun revealing
its passions
hidden behind
colorless shades
promises of love
brings us nearer
to that truth...
I believe
in Walt Whitman
every Atom yours
and mine
faith in those newer eyes
I reclaim it
full bosomed
I believe in this
in life until death...
is this enough to fill
heaven's claim
on earth
and claim that
all for you before or else
and with that
claim myself...

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