Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Clarification on Race...

I mean to clarify what I mean when I say that I have experienced racism in the Black community. It must be said that I talk predominately in the Intellectual arts and cultural community whose job it is has been to provide avenues reshaping our cultural landscape. I get along wonderfully with my black community both men and women outside of these political circles...this has been to emphasize that discrimination and bigotry can happen in any community anywhere irrespective of race. I know when I shared with a young Black activist that I was doing 'Rise' his immediate response was that I was a part of the ' gay keeping mulatto class'. Again, how does anyone respond to those types of prejudices?...they exist. Certainly, there are most definitely present and historical pains that must be aired and acknowledged but there should be a consensus to heal from pain without hatred. I hope this has clarified my reasoning and statements....and I do not intend to leave the Bahamas until both projects are completed which mean to challenge these notions of discrimination. The very tenant of the faith (love and forgiveness free of judgment) which Bahamians contend to be about, are so far off the mark from this. There is 'fire in the belly' and the battle has just begun!

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