Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I am pleased to announce that I have had another poem -'Blank Pages'- accepted with Poui Magazine, a literary journal from the English Department at the University of the West Indies in Barbados. It is the third entry that I have had accepted by them, the others being 'Song for the unknown poet' and 'Harlem Blues and Silk' . This one I am more pleased with as it was in the hiatus of not submitting any poetry to them after giving up drinking and passing through the creative block that followed. My sentiment in Poetry has changed, hopefully they have become more enriched. The poem is merely about the celebration of the rebirth of creativity - art for art sake. I am more at peace with myself in these newer poems as I was very angry in many of the others. Certainly, I reserve my right to be political and have been but I am happy to be included with the courage I have shown with acceptance and transcendence. Many thanks to Poui Magazine...

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