Monday, March 21, 2011

Election Time...

I sense now that we are entering into a new the political season. I try to avoid it as I hate politics but am often drawn into some of these discussions and fights. Surely, I feel very strongly about many of these issues and can aggressively argue on many of the points put foreward. I have very strong views on this Nation and its progress or lack of it. Last election was ugly and the hate and smear campaigns that went on made me swear never to vote ever again.
I will not reveal my preference nor how I am intending voting but I do feel the need to do so as there are many things on the table that need scrutinizing. I intend to make my vote count! I will try a different tactic this time by trying to keep my opinions to myself. I prefer to vote based on the issues and not the personalities. It is going to be hard but I will bite my tongue this time around rather than get into some of these contentious debates. Peace to y0u and let your conscience be your guide...

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