Thursday, September 23, 2010

Key to Change...

Well, its back to my art and an attempt at making money rather than all this blogging about my private business. I felt it necessary however. An artist's journey is the search for truth and there I was living my lie. I do not volunteer this information but if asked i will speak honestly. When you think about it, we have come far in the Bahamas - there is still a long way to go. I cannot blame my parents generation for what may be perceived now as their limitations. The Bahamas was very different then, run in small communities and I grew up with them and Church elders as leaders - many of them making such sacrifices on behalf of others. Who could follow some of their contributions? It is important though, in this generation, to expose and challenge bigotry. The best and most affective way to do this I believe is by 'being' first of all. For me, love will always remain the key to change. I was a complete mess hiding from facing myself and on a path to self destruction particularly with regards to my drinking. I am ten Months sober now and still vulnerable about many things. I too have a long way to go in so many ways but feel one day I shall make it to that 'mountain side' I often think and write about. Perhaps one step at a time...

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