Saturday, September 11, 2010


I will now put more focus into my writing and visuals. This process was an attempt to explain what was going on in my head and how I spiritually saw the world and all about me. It is a complicated trajectory that I needed to follow. I used the language of an artist because that is who I am and how I see it. I can be quite the academic but have always avoided placing my artistic expression there. Life is far too wide to keep it in a box. I shall continue to live according to spirit and love, it is my inspiration...and if anyone reading this may be gay or not, it is important to be yourself not how another sees it but how you can determine that for your self. There are far too many obstacles preventing happiness and there will always be others who feel they have the right to decide this for you - everyone in the Bahamas it seems. It takes courage to stand out and claim who you are. The world and the universe is an empty canvas. I think it will be exciting discovering new things to create within it...

Dawn Victoria Hanna ( strange artist)

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