Now back to the matters of the heart with art and creativity. It is what comes most natural to me.It is easy to get caught up in the hate when you get tied up with some of these peoples attitudes. They seem driven by a different force. There are more tolerant and progressive people around who have no time for petty ignorances. If you are taking this first step along with me then this truly is a road to recovery. I was amazed how prevalent alcohol and drug abuse was in every body's community. I was frightened how much it was so present by people in the gay community. Some people who struggle with their identity do get lost in this abuse. Many seem to be self destructing without a care even though they appeared to be happy and accomplished. It was not a place I wished to be. It is easy to give up caring about your self or anything else. I had to step back to find new outlets away from that party. Life for me now is becoming more than about art. It is about beginning to live it with quality. I never thought art would ever take back seat. Actually, it is making me a better one in the long run.This is about survival for me now with a clearer mind. One can get lost in the 'bacchanal' and revelrie. It makes one forget one's problems but I found I always had to come home to eventually to face me. I am not one of those reformed alchoholics who is preaching about the evils of drinking just sharing my experiences to those like me who used it to escape another reality. I had to get real and admit I was out of control in my life which was becoming absolutley disfunctional. I had the additional help from my family who adopted zero tolerance to my drinking. So it is the healing of mind, body and spirit. I intend to start gradually as this abuse did not happen over night. Good luck to you, on this new path...Love yourself. It's easy once realizing how wrong and out of order those other people are...peace...
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