Thursday, January 13, 2011


I woke up this morning felling free. Why not, what else is there to be with love. I claim nothing now from this country in how it is developing without me. This is true of many. So many are excluded in this process or reality. Really, we only have one life so why should we waste it on bigotry. Many are just interested in money, power and influence while they have forgotten about the progress of a country. To remain unfettered means releasing oneself from these ties that keeps one tied to those ropes that are about fear and oppression - hate being the biggest of them. Many are just interested in being on top just to keep a people bound within it. This is a disgrace for a development of a country.This has not become about the upliftment for everybody. Education is the key and a people should not be afraid of that. Sometimes that means just letting that be. Money, greed and hate is not liberation. So I don't have a million dollars. That's ok because that is not where love or beauty exists for me. It is not richness. A rainbow exists within everbody individually - release it with love and everything will come naturally. The world is a beautiful place created by a Universe where a God rules greatly. Peace to you on that journey whomever you may be...

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