Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sales up again!...

My sales down on the wharf are now beginning to pick up again after nearly a year of a complete drop off. I must say though that I was putting all of my creative and interlectual energy onto these blog entries and my painting there went into a down turn with very little creativity happening in them at all- it is still a struggle. I am a funny artist and my art often reflects my moods or how I am thinking, at times I got depressed - it is difficult to paint cheerful coconut trees when this happens. It is easy to get discouraged out there as my images sometimes become too repetative as I know that they will be the items that sell. I actually was at a loss of what to create while going through this process of self change and still continue to struggle through this block. I would much rather be doing other things in my art but I do enjoy being out there and painting always.It would be wonderful to get some feed back on what I have revealed onto these blog pages as I never know where I have gone or sometimes where I am going. They are full of interspection and I often feel as if I have become too personal on them. I have tried to be honest at all times. I am a hopless romantic and idealist which is why I believe in art and in its beauty, even when it is painful. So continue to wish me luck as I am still in recovery and each day brings another today...peace!

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