Today I saw two symbols one is of the universal peace sign, one I have used a lot on my blog entries, the other was that of a spoked wheel. I have never really seen the peace symbol before in my mind before today but the meaning is self evident. I believe I have become more at peace with myself and others. I think that is what it is all supposed to be about. I was fighting a war with myself and others. I was not at peace with anything. There is a calm now in my life that I welcome. The other symbol is very special to me in its meaning as I greatly appreciate Buddhism as a philosophy although I have only learned about it in small measures. The spokes wheel or Wheel of Dharma (Law or Truth) is the Dharmackra symbol representing Buddhism. It is the oldest known symbol for Buddha. Buddha never really wished a human representation of himself. It is a chariot wheel and has the number of eight spokes or more representing different meanings.The number of spokes on the wheel shows the path to enlightenment. I cannot distinguish how many spokes there were on my image but it was interchanging - I believe they started with eight. The circle means perfection in teaching. The Hub stands for discipline, the rim which holds everything together refers to mindfullness and the spokes symbolizes wisdom. The Buddha is known as a wheel turner:'he who sets a new cycle of teachings in motion and in conseqence changes the course of destiny.' ...peace to you...
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