Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Process...

These newer symbols and images are ones that are familiar to the artist. It is a stepping stone to self discovery and a renewal of creative forces. I am now preparing myself to move into more earth centred creations. All of my blog entries from beginning to end are explainations and influences of what has framed me as an aritst and a human being. There have been many. They help to describe my creative process.
The symbol of the Peacock with its feathers is one that I did see but the other images are ones that I have encountered with many female artists and are common to the creative process. I too now experience them in healing in thought and imagination. Although this is slowly changing, woman have very little formal acknowledgement within our spiritual and cultural institutions. We exist with very little 'voice' or equality. It is a shame to us all in this Nation and has an indictment from me.These are universal symbols that relate to all cultures and ethincities in its fundemental earth root. All races have them.I have more experience working with African and native american cultures and I am half african so I use what comes natural to me foremost. The image of the fetus and baby is one I use symbolically
to illustrate rebirth and life of the individual. It is also very feminnine in its universal connotations in life giving.The womb is a symbol of regeneration, creativity and feminine healing. It embodies both the male and female. It is the circle and the whole. It is by nature spiritual as it is about the birth of creation. It draws its energies from the earth and sky. It is mother to us all and is sacred...peace...

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