Last night I had some recurring images that I would like to share. There were symbols interchanging in a faint glow in the background. They were of a butterfly, an eye, the six and five pointed star, what appeared to be a capital A symbol turning upright from the side and the feminine symbol. They geometrically changed one after the other. I take this as being symbols that represent myself but were universal in nature. I was happy and at peace which made them flow more together. The symbol of the capital A turning upright, I shall take as the anarchy symbol -it may not be but I did see it. This is more political than spiritual but I did see it in some sort of spiritual exchange. It traditionally connotes the concept of a lack of representation of nation -States. It rejects the notion that any idea or Instituion can adequately represent a group of individuals. This symbol was inverted which made it oposite in meaning. It turned and a part from Rock bands and graffetti I never really indulged in any of its meanings consciously. It did not have a circle aorund it and may have a different meaning to what I have asserted. These images appeared to be of a divine feminine nature- it was about balance. My life has been a mess. Ths to me is about healing with femine energy. I have also seen in the past the symbol of a Triangle with an eye meaning the presence of God. This can be identified in many Religions and traditions including Christianity and the Pyramid symbol of the ancient Egyptians. It felt as if all was being placed in order into the light after an inversion creating the oposite affect....
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