Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian Rennaisnce painter, sculptor, mathematiscian, inventor and writer. He is considered to be one of the greatest artist of all time. He is well known for his paintings of the 'Mono Lisa' and 'The last Supper'. His vision for the world was more logical than mystical and his inventions paved the way for modern life and principles. I had a mental picture of this drawing of his last evening and realized what a great genious he really was. He saw things in geometric shapes and form which took on a spiritual and Religious connotation. It is how he painted and made drawings of his pictures. I too suggest this in terms of the geometric forms and symbols that I am experiencing. I currently see them in simple form and shape within a vast space. I hope to move more within this space to create a better understanding of time and depth of dimension. Infinity is a mathematical equation as well as a spiritual one that can move from every angle. Although I am no great mathematical genious, I suggest a more intuitive approach to creation i.e., working with the grain instead of against it. I am drawn to the form of the circle which is predominant within 'earth' cultures. It too is a sign for infinity with no beginning and no end. It does, however, deal with more of a feminine energy rather than Leonardo's male centred world but there should be balance of line and circle- yin and yang. Remember there are no rules one has to adhere to. I am no great master like Da Vinci but strive toward a more modern and contemporary appoach in art that implies greater personal and creative freedoms and believe the examination of line, shape, color and form in space in time can also lead to these complex geomeric understandings that point to infinity. He was precuser to this and his work and study is invaluable to future concepts adopted by Modern artists...
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