Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The soul of the Universe...

I write often about abstract realities or things I feel that pertain to universal laws that regulate our physical existence. I am not a scientist but try as I best to understand as a lay person. It was an important creative exercise I went through regarding 'Religion, Myth and Fantasy (the imagination)'. It was necessary for me to deconstruct personal, cultural and religious narratives to reach a point of singularity where I believe is the origin of creation- I call it the point before all stories (zero). I am not sure if anyone finds what I have done interesting or not but It was important for me to see narratives as merely being constructed stories. I feel true healing can only happen in understanding that one is never trapped in any one particular narrative and that we each have the power to change cycles that tend to repeat themselves due to them. Nothing is fixed and we are only subject to natural Laws which we have no control over, i.e., birth, death and Natural disasters. I have delved into the creation and operations of the Universe through science but recognize that science for an artist has its limitations as it can never prove the existence of the soul - that comes through a faith and a belief in something other. We are the micro of a co creative force of the greater and lesser universe. I needed to free myself of these stories in order to grow and expand with knowledge through creativity and reason to reach this understanding. It is good to feel that I do not need to fear the proverbial 'boogieman' in the closet due to presupposed understandings nor be frozen within a given narrative- I have the power to change. As an artist, I suppose I shall die without anyone really understanding what i am attempting to do but feel the need to grow with these personal and creative discoveries. Certainly, I have walked the pain in the journey of the artist and being one has not been easy. I hope to continue my search for truth by breathing through the soul of the universe. It is more than as someone once said of our western concept of a magical transcendence into enlightenment but I believe centered with eastern philosophies that sees this as a unity of one with all realities of the conscious and the subconscious. My journey is about liberating oneself through creative freedoms. It is what I see as my role as an artist and cherish that light and beauty...Peace to you and love...

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