Can't dance the way
I used to
nor move as fast
as I should
This is a season
carrying now a tune
with flight of words
I sit on the moon
watching the gentle
flow of you
from these shores
I am sad
it is
beyond my reach
may be
I can send
moon beams
through the rhythm
of this song
meeting you
by the ocean...
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Heart of the Sky...
for you...
I see within
your heart
it is the sky
wide and deep
advancing beyond
into the blue
with your being
and beauty...
I see within
your heart
it is the sky
wide and deep
advancing beyond
into the blue
with your being
and beauty...
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Reconstruction with Form....
I always find it difficult when I decide to do something. There is a natural rebellion in me that normally goes in the opposite direction once concluding to do it. It makes it hard for any sort of continuity in my life as I resist fixed realities. I enjoy the spaces to be open with a free flow allowing for these changes. I am at a stasis and block now when it comes to my paintings. I believe I have exhausted the style that I have been working with and know I need a change. I am not a figurative artist but feel It might be best to return to this form for a moment to reconstruct some of what I have stripped away. It is essential for me to begin exploring color and light with some of these assurances - I wish to begin with form. I am not a realist and naturally rebel against it but feel I need to acquire this discipline in some form again. Perhaps I may discover some new things once returning to the 'flesh' of a piece. The peculiar thing about it is during this time where I went through some of the most complex understandings in my mind and feelings, my art became more simpler and honest. I need just to 'be' now for a moment and to take things down. I feel that I have put allot out there with regards to my emotions with a full honesty in my writing in particular. I need to build again a container to protect them in. This was not an easy journey I embarked on and the best way I felt to deal with it was to peel away the protective layers that disguised my true feelings - I had a tendency to hide in my art rather than release it with truth. I do feel somewhat exposed. I need to be more grounded.It is time to digest what I have discovered in the process and have it reflected creatively. There is much to fathom. It requires a different energy and focus. All is a process...peace...
A cry from the wilderness...
A land tamed
I cry out
from the wilderness
a home for the free
with nature's eye
turned in
sweeping her grand design
and scope of breadth
the wind
hearing me...
I cry out
from the wilderness
a home for the free
with nature's eye
turned in
sweeping her grand design
and scope of breadth
the wind
hearing me...
Let it be...
just to let it be
finding sanction
while the world turns
sometimes against me
scattering wild seeds
in the soil
it will continue
to go around...
just to let it be
finding sanction
while the world turns
sometimes against me
scattering wild seeds
in the soil
it will continue
to go around...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tomorrow I'll believe...
I'll believe again
springing hope
with life's visions
find reasoning
with each rhyme
know its possibilities
I'll believe again
in love...
I'll believe again
springing hope
with life's visions
find reasoning
with each rhyme
know its possibilities
I'll believe again
in love...
Another world...
I forget where I live
in the world
then life comes along
reminding me
where I'm at
I create a universe
within an atom
I know another place
outside of these walls
where the other me
to shape and form
as I wish
within a mansion
of dreams...
in the world
then life comes along
reminding me
where I'm at
I create a universe
within an atom
I know another place
outside of these walls
where the other me
to shape and form
as I wish
within a mansion
of dreams...
Through these gates...
A one sided
full of
my intention
I hold
these feelings
in mind only
It is my illusion
I create
daring you
to enter
through those gates
There, love is
with thoughts
of you
Are our lines
cut so deep
where we
cannot meet
even in
the imagination
and live in the heart
to be transported
to that place
with no name...
full of
my intention
I hold
these feelings
in mind only
It is my illusion
I create
daring you
to enter
through those gates
There, love is
with thoughts
of you
Are our lines
cut so deep
where we
cannot meet
even in
the imagination
and live in the heart
to be transported
to that place
with no name...
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
'Rise' and Funding...
'Rise' our theater/dance project is back in swing now after a terrible economic year and I am able to give my full attention to the project. It is an important piece and I have included hetero and homosexual voices alike in the production as part of our collaborative effort. It has been a labor of love so far for all of us and I am hoping we can now rely on financial support from the public. If you would wish to support us in any way then please feel free to contact me directly by email at Dawn Hanna Personally, I traveled far psychologically and creatively in the project. I needed to tell my story honestly before doing it and to claim myself within it. It took me far.I sense many still fear themselves and the subject while discovering this in themselves whatever race, gender or culture -we are the many in our creative group for 'Rise'.It is breaking new ground in the Bahamas as we seldom see this topic approached with candor here, sexually or otherwise. We are story tellers not activist and it is a simple story told through song and dance. Wish us luck!...peace...
Birth of Creation...
Poems, poetry, song
the birth of creation
like a saxophone
brash and sassy
a kept woman
keeping within
its tender touch
in its embrace
with reckless
the birth of creation
like a saxophone
brash and sassy
a kept woman
keeping within
its tender touch
in its embrace
with reckless
Monday, April 25, 2011
Being there...
It is an eternal soul
light beaming
wider than the ocean
never ending
within a constant
the unceasing breeze
no longer thinking
of the past
just letting go
letting be
and being there...
light beaming
wider than the ocean
never ending
within a constant
the unceasing breeze
no longer thinking
of the past
just letting go
letting be
and being there...
The fix...
Love seems to be
the only thing
worth being real with
maybe I'm naive
It's the only thing
worth feeling good
taking things down a notch
and it's there
not so big
as the world's problems
going down smoother
like a' hot toddy'
whiskey, honey and lime
or an aged wine
I want to stay there
in a fix to keep me high
a look
a touch
a sound
makes me feel good
than the hard edges
that life brings
so I'll stay in that illusion
building sand castles
along the shore
to be swept away
in its tide...
the only thing
worth being real with
maybe I'm naive
It's the only thing
worth feeling good
taking things down a notch
and it's there
not so big
as the world's problems
going down smoother
like a' hot toddy'
whiskey, honey and lime
or an aged wine
I want to stay there
in a fix to keep me high
a look
a touch
a sound
makes me feel good
than the hard edges
that life brings
so I'll stay in that illusion
building sand castles
along the shore
to be swept away
in its tide...
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Miles eternal...
for Miles Davis
Miles eternal flowing
soft and smooth
'flamenco sketches'
reaching into the sunset
with peach light
oozes with delight
in an evening breeze
that floats
with the unending swing
of olive palm trees...
Miles eternal flowing
soft and smooth
'flamenco sketches'
reaching into the sunset
with peach light
oozes with delight
in an evening breeze
that floats
with the unending swing
of olive palm trees...
How this feels...
How this feels
like velvet
in a soft glow
burning slowly
with coal embers
The constant you
from within
en kindled
when you appear
flushing crimson
to the heart...
Nocturnal dreams...
Turning the sun
in nocturnal dreams
changes seasons
like amethyst
into the warm
light of dusk
toward the calm
of night...
in nocturnal dreams
changes seasons
like amethyst
into the warm
light of dusk
toward the calm
of night...
What's real...
I feel a mellow
with your smile
jazz man knows
that sensual release
playin' his instrument
to what's real
what lies inside
all the colors
Could I wait
for an eternity?
I'll try
with you at the end
rainbows reaching
I'll sing to you
these overtures
to reach your ears
like your smile...
with your smile
jazz man knows
that sensual release
playin' his instrument
to what's real
what lies inside
all the colors
Could I wait
for an eternity?
I'll try
with you at the end
rainbows reaching
I'll sing to you
these overtures
to reach your ears
like your smile...
Lost but not forgotten.......
The following poems are some of my earlier attempts some years ago which I am gradually finding again one by one. I thought I had lost all of them entirely when I deleted my web and Blog page one drunken evening. My attitude was more political and culturally fixed then. Others were just fun. I wrote them as part of the spoken word and they were performed orally in front of an audience. Much if not all of these first poems where devised with this in mind. In one or two, you will observe that I was quite angry. I was flabbergasted at what I had seen materialize as a culture in the Bahamas when I returned some years ago- the deterioration that had taken place and believe me the conditions were bad enough before. Many of our people seemed to be so abandoned and I was angry to see what was happening to many of our young black males in particular who seemed to be falling through the cracks. Our inner communities had become run down and the people forgotten. Years ago, I remember after the 92' election the great promises that were made to Bahamians regarding the advancement of all our peoples through education and not just an elite wealthy few. The American embassy was inundated with Bahamians wishing to start these progressive programs who could not get any support by the then PLP Government and the FNM party along with the Organization of American States waged a massive cultural front within our inner communities with the promise of their socio-economic advancement through Globalization. I met these people myself as I was also involved in some of these community development initiatives. Imagine my bewilderment when i returned to see these communities totally ghettoized and more impoverished. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer.What happened? I still feel this to be the case but have taken a different direction in my personal philosophies with regards to the healing I believe needs to take place. It must be a collective National effort with a sincere attempt to meet equality with opportunity - education being the key. I am now retired as I have done my work and I needed to heal as well after all of these wars. I still get angry at it all. I continue to evolve now as an artist and have included some of these earlier poems as an attempted to capture these changes in myself and style. I no longer perform these oral poems and particularly after rehab have sincerely attempted to tap into my inner reality - my more intimate feelings and who I am with greater honesty. Like my paintings, I threaten to become very abstract in some of my poems to extend the metaphors that I am using. I still need to risk this more. Others are right in your face. So here are a few of the older ones found again -lost but not forgotten...peace
Catch a nigga by he toe.
If he holla - let him go ,
Public lynchings,
particularly concerning Black men
are not so new to me.
Ask Martin or Malcolm
or Aristide or Stokely
or Michael or Nelson
or Manley or Steve
-And no more Joke..
'bout der Nigga man strung up
and life cut short
through Gun or coke...
Feet dangling in the air,
rope 'round neck .
To watch car crash,
and breakup in wreck .
Black man hand against
Black man soul.
Dragging him up high
to see he body reel,
so you could look up monkey ass ,
and see how pig could squeal.
No more shoulders falling down,
No more soulful cry,
or rejoicing in the streets to watch
another brother die.
My spine stretched long , now
and back standing straight
After seeing the last time
how that nigga neck break.
Oh Lord, now look at this,
see how you watching me,
You scared that money
you bargaining with
really aint for free...
With ya Africa this
and how ya black about that,
but if I look hard and long enough,
you always the one
who leading the pack.
With the noose held up high
shakin' in your hand.
Or somebody's friend
or somebody's bagman.
Comin' to me with those empty slogans
telling me how ' they ' the only ones
to save me.
Like the first black man
with the first black hand
that sold me into slavery.
No time for blame, son
And ain't no time for shame.
Africa dancing hard now
to different times and beats
With no more African blood flooding
through these ancient streets.
As you play one against another,
then duck and dive
and run for cover.
Camera in hand
tryin' to keep us in fear,
playin' that ole game of
mis-information and smear.
Ya gat ya 15mins of fame...
now so...
Cameras, rolling ...
Action, lights...ready, steady set and...go...
"...Rasta Don't work for no C.I.A...
when light shines on a rainbow
true colours are revealed
the colour hate splashed thick with blots
no nation's hue is preferred
no skin... glows prettier than the next
as it peels away from what lays hidden behind
tricks and games played to a fool's mind
envy and hate blocks rays from the Sun
reaches deep in the heart to touch everyone
money, greed ..are but fleeting illusions
all in this lusty game for power
Chief for the day or the man of the hour
guerrilla tactics fought by a destructive hand
anyway, any how...get it while you can
shut up, sit down so that you can relax ..
from the inconvenient 'truth' of hearing the facts ?
creating these artificial wars to look the hero
thought you hit a home run... buddy you batting zero ...
ladies and gentleman ... the circus is in town
the roar of the crowd gettin' bigger
laughin' out loud , jeering and proud
thinkin' how next to break down this nigga
buying cheap thrills packaged with a corporate brand
sellin' Pyrite for gold in a tinsel town
cheap fakes relying on cheap tricks
cheap flakes bought out at cheaper rates
behavin' like Orwel's pigs on the farm
How long to have waited at last for this day
to destroy everything that gets in the way
but what gain is a cost...
when the soul is lost?
the fool and the wise man will meet the same fate
this new road to 'freedom' carries an oppressive weight
...the stench from bloody hands
let those who cower hide in the night
behind a mask of mirrors
as a 'truer' reflection reveal clearer colours
when rainbows shine in the light....
shalla boom shalla boom
.... in the song
boom boom
.... in the dance
boom boom
a room filled high
to a sonic beat
shakin' to the quake
of shuddering feet
fall into the flow
with a single note
fall into the flow
with a single note
break down the bass
augment the tone
pulsin' to the rhythm
pushed into the bone
tip, tap, tippin'
to a tempo clock
throbbin' to the music
with a steady rock
hands held up high
ears low to floor
reachin' down deep
to the crack of the core
whole back step beat
climbing measure to measure
singin' soft melody
to harmonic pleasure
sha, sha sha the song
sha, sha sha the dance
shalla boom shalla boom
sha sha
shalla boon, shalla boom
boom boom boom BOOM, BOOM!
Catch a nigga by he toe.
If he holla - let him go ,
Public lynchings,
particularly concerning Black men
are not so new to me.
Ask Martin or Malcolm
or Aristide or Stokely
or Michael or Nelson
or Manley or Steve
-And no more Joke..
'bout der Nigga man strung up
and life cut short
through Gun or coke...
Feet dangling in the air,
rope 'round neck .
To watch car crash,
and breakup in wreck .
Black man hand against
Black man soul.
Dragging him up high
to see he body reel,
so you could look up monkey ass ,
and see how pig could squeal.
No more shoulders falling down,
No more soulful cry,
or rejoicing in the streets to watch
another brother die.
My spine stretched long , now
and back standing straight
After seeing the last time
how that nigga neck break.
Oh Lord, now look at this,
see how you watching me,
You scared that money
you bargaining with
really aint for free...
With ya Africa this
and how ya black about that,
but if I look hard and long enough,
you always the one
who leading the pack.
With the noose held up high
shakin' in your hand.
Or somebody's friend
or somebody's bagman.
Comin' to me with those empty slogans
telling me how ' they ' the only ones
to save me.
Like the first black man
with the first black hand
that sold me into slavery.
No time for blame, son
And ain't no time for shame.
Africa dancing hard now
to different times and beats
With no more African blood flooding
through these ancient streets.
As you play one against another,
then duck and dive
and run for cover.
Camera in hand
tryin' to keep us in fear,
playin' that ole game of
mis-information and smear.
Ya gat ya 15mins of fame...
now so...
Cameras, rolling ...
Action, lights...ready, steady set and...go...
"...Rasta Don't work for no C.I.A...
when light shines on a rainbow
true colours are revealed
the colour hate splashed thick with blots
no nation's hue is preferred
no skin... glows prettier than the next
as it peels away from what lays hidden behind
tricks and games played to a fool's mind
envy and hate blocks rays from the Sun
reaches deep in the heart to touch everyone
money, greed ..are but fleeting illusions
all in this lusty game for power
Chief for the day or the man of the hour
guerrilla tactics fought by a destructive hand
anyway, any how...get it while you can
shut up, sit down so that you can relax ..
from the inconvenient 'truth' of hearing the facts ?
creating these artificial wars to look the hero
thought you hit a home run... buddy you batting zero ...
ladies and gentleman ... the circus is in town
the roar of the crowd gettin' bigger
laughin' out loud , jeering and proud
thinkin' how next to break down this nigga
buying cheap thrills packaged with a corporate brand
sellin' Pyrite for gold in a tinsel town
cheap fakes relying on cheap tricks
cheap flakes bought out at cheaper rates
behavin' like Orwel's pigs on the farm
How long to have waited at last for this day
to destroy everything that gets in the way
but what gain is a cost...
when the soul is lost?
the fool and the wise man will meet the same fate
this new road to 'freedom' carries an oppressive weight
...the stench from bloody hands
let those who cower hide in the night
behind a mask of mirrors
as a 'truer' reflection reveal clearer colours
when rainbows shine in the light....
shalla boom shalla boom
.... in the song
boom boom
.... in the dance
boom boom
a room filled high
to a sonic beat
shakin' to the quake
of shuddering feet
fall into the flow
with a single note
fall into the flow
with a single note
break down the bass
augment the tone
pulsin' to the rhythm
pushed into the bone
tip, tap, tippin'
to a tempo clock
throbbin' to the music
with a steady rock
hands held up high
ears low to floor
reachin' down deep
to the crack of the core
whole back step beat
climbing measure to measure
singin' soft melody
to harmonic pleasure
sha, sha sha the song
sha, sha sha the dance
shalla boom shalla boom
sha sha
shalla boon, shalla boom
boom boom boom BOOM, BOOM!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Pipe dreams...
Pipe dreams
visions of hope
one day
seeing through
the illusion of smoke
maybe in a lifetime
maybe not
but I'll keep on
keeping on
until that day
comes along...
visions of hope
one day
seeing through
the illusion of smoke
maybe in a lifetime
maybe not
but I'll keep on
keeping on
until that day
comes along...
Poetry Competition...
I have just entered the Montreal International poetry competition and advise any aspiring poet to do so. The winning prize is $50.000 which all artists are in deserving of and need. The poems I have entered are 'Color me blind', 'Degree of Separation' and 'Rebel, Rebel'. They are some of the most idealistic ones with promises for the future. It is a large competition so the I am competing against many around the world and from the Bahamas. It is exciting even if I don't win. Wish me luck, I could do with a new car!...peace...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Out of Love...
I fell out
of love today
to hold it tight
how love and hate
loses one
in the belly
of fire
but with one
the heart grows cold
turning to winter
then I remember
the Sun
the warmth
that it brings
a wealth of water
from a spring
I shall see the dawn
and bathe
in its early light....
of love today
to hold it tight
how love and hate
loses one
in the belly
of fire
but with one
the heart grows cold
turning to winter
then I remember
the Sun
the warmth
that it brings
a wealth of water
from a spring
I shall see the dawn
and bathe
in its early light....
Positive Vibes...
Forgive me my last entry if anyone saw it. I have now taken it off. It is difficult for me to ignore much of what goes on here and I get frustrated. I spoke the truth as I see and experience it but it was being negative so I will recant or at least try to move in a different direction. I will repeat that I believe education is the key in the Bahamas. It will ultimately raise the level of our conversations and debates. I often feel insecure of what my role should be in any of it. Perhaps now it is just to live out my life. I believe I have already contributed much of what I can as a community worker. I now choose to grow as an artist. That is scary as I don't really know if I am good enough to call myself one. Time will tell. Mediocrity is something I abhor and always strive to do better within myself. Keep strong even when I am weak. I meet people everyday that inspire me and give me hope for this Nation...peace...
Monday, April 18, 2011
I set my time....
So long ago
I set my time
through the eyes
of a child
with moments passing
into the next
only a blink away
life now
sensing death
and to this eventuality
I set to that hour
in my mortality
being only
a blink away...
I set my time
through the eyes
of a child
with moments passing
into the next
only a blink away
life now
sensing death
and to this eventuality
I set to that hour
in my mortality
being only
a blink away...
Tongues to speak...
How can we speak
without our tongues
or lips
to kiss sweet flesh?
feeling our way
from soul's dark night
entangled in its mesh
became unbound
to fly above the flames
pulling hard
against the
rugged rock
the chinks
within his chains
desire burning
by that gift
a torch to light
the mind
and from his hand
set fast that blaze
giving birth
to humankind....
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals. Zeus then punished him for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. Prometheus is credited with – or blamed for – playing a pivotal role in the early history of mankind. Prometheus Unbound , is a play re-wrought by Poet Percy Shelley and is a fiercely revolutionary text championing free will, goodness, hope and idealism in the face of oppression.
without our tongues
or lips
to kiss sweet flesh?
feeling our way
from soul's dark night
entangled in its mesh
became unbound
to fly above the flames
pulling hard
against the
rugged rock
the chinks
within his chains
desire burning
by that gift
a torch to light
the mind
and from his hand
set fast that blaze
giving birth
to humankind....
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals. Zeus then punished him for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. Prometheus is credited with – or blamed for – playing a pivotal role in the early history of mankind. Prometheus Unbound , is a play re-wrought by Poet Percy Shelley and is a fiercely revolutionary text championing free will, goodness, hope and idealism in the face of oppression.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Break in...
in my house again
lord what's wrong
with these people
and I aint got nothin'
they teef
the dish washin' liquid
half way full
and the coffee pot
off the shelf
you lock yourself in
like some prison
and still
they find a way
no matter the time
they comin' in
night and day'....
An expanding Universe....
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Some words to say...
Is all now lost
or can I say
some words
to touch that part
of you,
your love?
I bleed
with expressions
full of love
I need to say them
releasing the heart
to complete its breath
not to do so
binds and keeps it
in paralysis
within the dullness
of apathy
blood has to flow
as I have to love
or can I say
some words
to touch that part
of you,
your love?
I bleed
with expressions
full of love
I need to say them
releasing the heart
to complete its breath
not to do so
binds and keeps it
in paralysis
within the dullness
of apathy
blood has to flow
as I have to love
Staff of Liberty...
How is it
that I can not see
to grab the staff
of liberty
and know the world
as it framed me
frail and fallible
like it?
I believe
in another city
one not quite made
full of all
its possibilities
with feet
stepping forward
in its stride
toward freedom...
that I can not see
to grab the staff
of liberty
and know the world
as it framed me
frail and fallible
like it?
I believe
in another city
one not quite made
full of all
its possibilities
with feet
stepping forward
in its stride
toward freedom...
Of my father's home...
Born of my
father's home
a child
with wandering eyes
seeing past
a stern command
to a single place
I lay prostrate
to his higher hand
but now defy
that lack of stance
I am
through this defiance
a child
reborn into a house
of my own...
father's home
a child
with wandering eyes
seeing past
a stern command
to a single place
I lay prostrate
to his higher hand
but now defy
that lack of stance
I am
through this defiance
a child
reborn into a house
of my own...
Friday, April 15, 2011
Relief at last...
Things have really picked up again with sales and last year seems like a dream away. It was difficult and I don't know how I was able to survive. It was with the help of some very good friends and the tenacity to keep going even at the most bleakest times.Many of them bought my paintings even when my art was atrocious - my creativity really waned and I was so very negative. I was down to selling $5.oo pieces although my art is relatively inexpensive anyway. The play is back on track now and I am in a better position to get funding to produce it. It is a good play and I try not to over romanticize what the reality of what our situation is. During last year, I failed at drinking twice but am back on track. Finally things appear to be working out for me. These blog entries saved my sanity as I staggered to keep my imagination and creativity going. I believe I have resolved my dilemma as an artist who hates doing commercial art vs a creative one. The reality is I have to make a living and will do what i have to do in order to make the sales but I will also continue to develop my personal style which is more freeing and fulfilling. All artists have two styles in which they work - one that pays the bills and the other that is closer to the soul. I shall have to combine the two if I am to stay on the dock. I have managed to integrate myself into a community of good positive people and there is much going on. It is a long way from whence I came, from a recluse and alcoholic with little desire or care. My life has purpose and I believe I have found mine. This is all that I have been trying to say and wished to achieve. I am back into the land of the living. May God be with you all, however ones perceives this...Light and love....
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Being Gay without fear...
I really thought I would have nothing more to say about being gay after all this. My life is so private outside of my art and I wished it to remain so but I feel I do need to reaffirm this occasionally. My initial fear once deciding to 'come out' was how would people react to me. This is a small community and everybody knows each other. I am a solid member and grew up knowing the Bishop,the pauper and all the neighbors. It is predominately a Bible belt and people can say some of the nastiness things regarding it- they mean to keep you intimated and fearful. I am generally liked, would this attitude change? Actually, I have only spoken it on my blog which family members have read along with some others but for the most part none seem to be the wiser nor appear to care. We are very homophobic here perhaps because we are from homogenous culture which has a tendency repel anything or anybody who is different to it. Why was it so important for me to do this? I was sick inside and needed healing. I no longer wished to be contained after accepting this reality about myself. I envied all those who had the courage to speak and be their truth- I have many friends in the gay community.Life seemed to happening without me. I did not want to hide in groups or set myself outside of where I normally am. How would all this reflect on my family? There is still allot of homophobia and unfortunately some of these fears still exist for me.The play that I am doing was a reaction to all the ugly things I was hearing about gay people particularly by the men I work along side of down at the wharf and who I see daily- taxi drivers, Ferry boat operators etc....They are some of my friends. I was embarrassed for gay people around or from those coming off the ships.I wanted to be heard and seen as one myself. These homophobic men and women never seem read my blog so for now life has remained peaceful without too much friction. It is easy to be afraid within this backdrop and I was embarrassed to admit it. I am just getting used to the idea of being gay and am becoming more at ease with myself now. It feels good to finally be 'out' and who I am, free of the struggle and confusion. It is a journey one has to do for oneself no matter how supportive people may be around one. The greatest lesson that liberty may teach is to be free one's self. This was a major step for me and in being this I have begun to rid myself of fear...peace and love....
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Merging the mind...
It always seems to me that when the focus is on my writing, I tend to neglect my visuals and vice verse. I have attempted to merge the two in these entries but for the most part it was more about how I thought about a visual reality and an integration with a personal philosophy relating to a greater universe. My writing is more classical in theme and I really am a modern visual artist. I wished to give more form to my art while liberating my 'voice' in writing. Both required the opposite of each other but loaned certain attributes. I believe I have been successful in formulating a common philosophy where by synthesizing both. It is a point of departure for true creative development and growth. There needed to be a deconstruction mind, body and spirit to allow for this liberation. My writing was very 'Catholic' with a very fixed understanding of 'order' although I have always attempted to break those rules as often as I could. My visuals adopted a trajectory of the great Modernists with an examination of line and form in space. There is still much to understand with regards to this incorporating color as energy and light. I find that it has been the visual arts most of all that has liberated me as a person although I feel I am a stronger writer. However, I still can't spell! I do need to re-focus again on my painting and what I put out there visually. I suspect my writing will not be as strong while I do this.I have been quite neglectful and have opted to be lazy about what I produce as a painter lately- it's easy to do palm trees and sea scenes without much thought. I hate doing pretty pictures just to make the sales. My art, like my writing requires soul but really when I let it 'sing', it does come out being more simpler than the thoughts going on in my head. They are predominately abstract in nature. I have not quite worked out why this is as yet although I have made some thoughts already about why this may be. I believe it really is seeing things in Modern terms simply through the 'eyes' of a child which strips away everything to its essence where there is a more open honesty about an inner reflection of a 'truth' - I have been drawing many 'stick' men intentionally. So we shall see if I am able to turn the tables in my visuals for the next few months. Like I said before, I am truly exhausted but not being creative in my work makes me more tired. I have to re-event myself in the process again and trust that sales may come with that risk. I can get very strange in that work when ready, like I am as a person. It comes easier when you don't think too much about it and let it happen intuitively. I guess I really am an artist and a poet finally which I have always professed at being. It is what I have only wished to be known as ever and now am...peace and love....
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Never knew...
Never knew
how to love before
never knew
where it all fit
how to do it
never knew
what to say
or how to feel it
then I met you
and everything
fell into place
all the questions
when love settled
on you...
how to love before
never knew
where it all fit
how to do it
never knew
what to say
or how to feel it
then I met you
and everything
fell into place
all the questions
when love settled
on you...
God's Angels...
May God's angels
meet us
with the warm
embrace of love
enfold us kindly
within heaven's light
grant us peace
in your arms
to carry us home...
meet us
with the warm
embrace of love
enfold us kindly
within heaven's light
grant us peace
in your arms
to carry us home...
Death and the hereafter...
It is very sad but I have had so many friends or family members who have died within the past five years. I have just had yet another close friend pass, Terry Ford, and I really don't know how to feel about death anymore especially when the person is so young and vibrant. I have said good bye to many during this time and to people I love dearly. It is always a tremendous shock to the system when this happens. It fills one with one's own sense of mortality and the fragile existence of the people we value around us. I guess this is just another stage in growing up.Just goes to show you how important it is to live your life fully and as yourself. Life is so very short. It is also where my strong belief in the hereafter comes in. I believe strongly in another reality outside of our physical existence and know that one day we shall all meet again in a higher place. Like the song says 'the greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return'.Peace and love to you Terry. May God's love guide and embrace you warmly with your passing....

The eye is an important symbol for an artist and is an image that recurs allot in our works. It is layered with many meanings but simply it is about having inner sight and other. It is learning to look about the world and from within. It is an image that repeated itself alone in a symbol to me again the other evening and marks the beginning of my journey as an artist. It requires balance to see with an holistic consciousness. I hope to begin to make this known in my works although I have always worked intuitively in my art...peace and love...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Love is the heart...
it is my heart
and you
at the center
how long
may I keep
you there?
I pray
I give up hope
then you return
and I am again lost
that feeling...
it is my heart
and you
at the center
how long
may I keep
you there?
I pray
I give up hope
then you return
and I am again lost
that feeling...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Beneath my feet...
Stars beneath
my feet
walking a spiral stair
emerald cities
over rainbows
and above
through a shower
of gold dust
the world turned
upside down
with eyes glistening
into an indigo night...
my feet
walking a spiral stair
emerald cities
over rainbows
and above
through a shower
of gold dust
the world turned
upside down
with eyes glistening
into an indigo night...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Symbols and metaphor...
Hands for Hunger...
'Hands for Hunger', a civic organization committed to eliminating unnecessary hunger in our community, is partnering with Starbucks this summer in order to fund raise to meet their efforts. Last year was a terrible year economically for many world wide and also in the Bahamas. I often feel guilty that I am never doing enough to help the more needy in our community. I feel now I can make a minor contribution to the growing plight of poverty in our country. Of course there are many people, churches and organizations who have made the commitment to help eradicate this and work diligently to stamp out the problem, 'Hands for Hunger' is one of them. For the next month we may all be given the opportunity to donate $1.00 toward this cause with any purchase at Starbucks. Every little bit counts and so I hope you will join me in supporting them with a small contribution this summer...peace and love...
Friday, April 8, 2011
Healing heart...
The process of self healing is more than the physical. Of course my body and health needs repairing after the abuse of so many years of drinking and smoking. What I felt I needed though is for the heart to heal. It is truly where self love comes in the most. One really can't love another properly unless you love and accept yourself unconditionally- the heart may carry emotional injuries that stop this from happening. This is a culture that may leave one with a heart broken for many reasons.Everything I say is quite simple and self evident. Finding 'voice' is just being honest with how you speak and to love yourself means just that. The feeling of love you may have for another is the same emotion you should have for yourself. I am just learning all this. Actually both are selfless acts. Anyway, I am now beginning to heal fully from within. The great Romantics felt love through a yearning. It always seems so unfulfilled. Loving yourself fills those spaces. It is the healthier road to recovery. This may all come with age but it is good to accept that some things will never change. Personally, I have reached the conclusion that there are those who I just don't have anything in common with. It happens allot in this place and it is good to leave it just like that. On a different note, I am physically exhausted. I believe I will have to take a different tact in how I am working with my art. For the past two and a half years with six months off for my alcohol recovery program, I went through a great creative spurt painting over three thousand pieces - I start form scratch every day. It does take energy to do what I do and really these blog entries have also mentally exhausted me. This last year was particularity trying both physically and financially. I may start selling prints and work on one major painting a day. I feel I would like to spend more time on images. It is a season to change.. ..peace and love...
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sip, Sip...
Sip, sip
tongue runnin' wild
all the folk
talkin' 'bout
fire catchin'
can't put it out
'I tell ya that'
an' 'you hear me?
'Girl, I got
one hot story..
...and this one juicy piece
'its the truth...
is what I say
I see it myself
to let you know
that's exactly how
the story go'...
tongue runnin' wild
all the folk
talkin' 'bout
fire catchin'
can't put it out
'I tell ya that'
an' 'you hear me?
'Girl, I got
one hot story..
...and this one juicy piece
'its the truth...
is what I say
I see it myself
to let you know
that's exactly how
the story go'...
Fire and embers...
I am fire
made in its likeness
bold within its flame
I defy it
standing equal
as a bronzed idol
devouring embers
Eyes shut tight
to its power
I rise within it
like a column of salt
as emblem
to myself....
made in its likeness
bold within its flame
I defy it
standing equal
as a bronzed idol
devouring embers
Eyes shut tight
to its power
I rise within it
like a column of salt
as emblem
to myself....
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
A Pill to cure...
Can't seem
to get rid
of these thoughts
within the chambers
of my mind
there lingering
I wish I could
take a pill
to cure me
of this madness
and place myself
outside of you...
to get rid
of these thoughts
within the chambers
of my mind
there lingering
I wish I could
take a pill
to cure me
of this madness
and place myself
outside of you...
pushing through
the creative lines
into spaces
Back taught
in effort
art is muscle
lifting mind
with boxes
moving hand
with body
in every stroke
with gesture...
pushing through
the creative lines
into spaces
Back taught
in effort
art is muscle
lifting mind
with boxes
moving hand
with body
in every stroke
with gesture...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Correction...and freedom
I have put onto this blog a poem by Robert Frost entitled 'The road not taken'. I previously in one of my entries referred to this poem but gave it the wrong title of 'A road less traveled' by M Scott Peck- the two names are often confused and I cannot go back to make the correction as I can't remember where I used the reference. My deepest apologies. The poem refers to many things but I have used it in the context of the path I decided to take. I have no problem in making my truth known nor the things I believe in. I have lived a life full of imperfections and mistakes but have little regrets. The people I have loved whether realized or not were extra-ordinary individuals and they have helped me to lean much about myself in the process. For me, the act of creation is a striving toward freedom. A thought occurred to me the other day that to label anything even though I have named many things such as it being African or any other or anything Religious or spiritual limits itself within the definition. It restricts freedom to move within that space by giving name to it. I will try to no longer place those limitation on anything even in relationships. From now it just 'is' without such boxes....peace, love and freedom
Monday, April 4, 2011
I am happy to say that the script for the Theatre/Dance piece about a young gay males struggle toward self realization has now been completed in spite of a difficult financial year. I believe it is a powerful piece of theatre. The fundamentals have been laid and now it is just the logistics of getting it financed to be produced. It is a strong voice and I have not held back on its erotic nature. This may prove to be controversial but I feel confident to take on the battle. It is an important piece for me to do. I was afraid but in facing my personal fears I have become stronger and more defiant. I wish this to be a vehicle where all gay people, men and women may feel empowered. It is a simple tale but through tragedy we may all see triumph...peace to you...and wish me luck!
Brick and Stone...
Light beams
along this path
a way more true
feet placed solid
on brick and stone
An honest heart
can follow blind
into its glow...
(no regrets)
along this path
a way more true
feet placed solid
on brick and stone
An honest heart
can follow blind
into its glow...
(no regrets)
The Road not taken....Robert Frost
Robert Frost (1874–1963). Mountain Interval. 1920. |
1. The Road Not Taken |
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, | |
And sorry I could not travel both | |
And be one traveler, long I stood | |
And looked down one as far as I could | |
To where it bent in the undergrowth; | 5 |
Then took the other, as just as fair, | |
And having perhaps the better claim, | |
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; | |
Though as for that the passing there | |
Had worn them really about the same, | 10 |
And both that morning equally lay | |
In leaves no step had trodden black. | |
Oh, I kept the first for another day! | |
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, | |
I doubted if I should ever come back. | 15 |
I shall be telling this with a sigh | |
Somewhere ages and ages hence: | |
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— | |
I took the one less traveled by, | |
And that has made all the difference. | 20 |
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Tumble weeds...
Tumble weeds
across the desert sand
spinning dust
over a dry land
waiting for ice
to fall
hot or cold
rain never comes
when the Sun
freezes over...
across the desert sand
spinning dust
over a dry land
waiting for ice
to fall
hot or cold
rain never comes
when the Sun
freezes over...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Diamond in the rough...
Black as charcoal
to be refashioned
into a diamond
I started wrong
loving awkwardly
all thumbs
grabbing clumsily
to grip
but earnest sentiment
has made it stronger
pressing hard
and turned love
into a precious
to be refashioned
into a diamond
I started wrong
loving awkwardly
all thumbs
grabbing clumsily
to grip
but earnest sentiment
has made it stronger
pressing hard
and turned love
into a precious
Toil and Tribulations...
Toil and tribulations
meets industry
a journey's end
with hands
they liberate
bringing effort
to activity
it is not a chore
to have
this daily sweat
nor be diligent
in one's travail
it is life...
meets industry
a journey's end
with hands
they liberate
bringing effort
to activity
it is not a chore
to have
this daily sweat
nor be diligent
in one's travail
it is life...
By The Hand...
I'll take you
by the hand
my love
to far across the sea
where time seems like
a million miles
away for you and me
I'll take you
by the hand
my love
to walk along the shore
to feel the breath
that takes you there
and leaves you
wanting more...
by the hand
my love
to far across the sea
where time seems like
a million miles
away for you and me
I'll take you
by the hand
my love
to walk along the shore
to feel the breath
that takes you there
and leaves you
wanting more...
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