I seldom wish to take on titles but again this is about describing my creative process. Like I said, I believe I am being guided to explain who I am as an artist so please forgive the indulgence. I think I can take on the name of 'Street artist. I believe it is fitting as it is where I get the most of my inspiration in its nakedness and honest appraisal about life. Occasionally I get into some of its brawls like today. I have been asked quite recently to go into a studio by one of our leading artists but the appeal was not there yet. I do intend to do it when I work on my exhibit which involves more concentration and focus. The creative spontaneity of my art is what I find the most appealing about being out there. This can be equally frustrating when I wish to develop a theme better but for the most part it has worked well in a more concentrated effort in narrowing down my ideas. It is hard as I think as an artist but know the are the practicalities of being more commercial as I do make them tourist items. However, It is helping me to develop my personal style. I do them quickly and over the past two years with some time off for my drinking program I estimate I have painted over three thousand of them. At times it has been slap dash with some really awful ones but it has been great training in focus. I try to make the attractive but to keep my spirit alive I touch on themes that may be cultural but for the most part they have been spiritual. I just don't do pretty pictures but I see nothing wrong in painting traditional themes. I feel I have a foundation now to really begin developing as a fine artist and I don't know how long I will remain out there but for now it is my bread and butter which is still touch and go right now. I have a tendency as an artist to be around places where life is happening. Either in cafes on like I am now on the strip.
I am not trying to make a political point but really I get a freedom to experiment with my creative ideas better out there than anywhere else. I think I am too independent as I reserve all those rights for myself. I am stubborn about it. I have been painting on tiles but essentially I have been painting on recycled wood with some canvas. I think I shall return at some point to canvas again. This has been really to cut overhead costs but I do enjoy painting on many rough and smooth surfaces as it brings on different challenges in freeing brush strokes. Like in my writing I think about music a lot and integrate color and form to work from these formal classical principals.They have been for the most part semi abstract working from the basis principles of the Modern artist. I am not a realist which gives me some insecurities but this is an integration of my experience with different peoples and cultures with my personal philosophies which i have attempted to explain. People generally around the world feel more comfortable if they can identify an object but I hope to challenge these perceptions of comfort ability and safety merely to embrace wider understandings to change perspectives. This takes courage and patience. They have been rustic. I am in training. I can get quite abstract but I push it way out then come back in to simple form and shape. As I went through the creative process of transformation and change my painting became extraordinarily simple 'child-like' with metaphors to show the uniformity of symbols pertaining to the human consciousness. I believe the act of creativity is freedom and I have tried to free myself of lines into space to sense that reality. I am different and perhaps an acquired taste but it is how I am developing as an artist. I trust the process. it is better for the artist to describe their own work so it is not misinterpreted by other assertions. Art is not a competitive sport and in fact works better when you release yourself from that mentality while staying alert and open to its challenges.I also am seeking to integrate these principles in my writing which has also gone through a myriad of styles. Sometimes less is more and simplicity should never be construed as talentless. Naivety could hold some of the most complex principles relating to universal understandings encompassing some of its mysteries... Above all I am a hopeless romantic and often follow those themes.The process and learning continues...peace..and continued love...
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