This is the title of several of my poems about the sea and the line between here and there from the shore over into the vast ocean. I often placed myself along the edge which suggests meditation about what lies beyond- that which is known and unknown. I have a tendency to repeat these images, metaphors and even the titles to reflect a state of mind or feeling in contemplation. The Ocean and sea or any body of water for me is healing that continues endlessly. It is a place where the center of the soul lies. Last evening I had another dream which brought this metaphor alive again. It involved my mother who had recently past on. This time she came to speak with me. I cannot remember exactly what we said. I believe we had some idle chat but it was how we had talked normally about ordinary things in life. Eventually we went walking. She led the way and along the side of the sea shore. The next I knew is that she was bathing naked along the edge of the shore, splashing freely into its waves. She had become young as if she was in her twenties. She then turned to swim off in the ocean. I woke up knowing this was a good dream and according to how I use the metaphor that she had returned home. Her spirit was free. Nakedness can mean something sexual which is good but more often than not I use it as a metaphor to reflect honesty - that which has been stripped to an essence of truth. It was a beautiful dream and put my mind at rest as it meant my mother was at peace and her soul had gone on beyond. I have been the rebellious child, always getting myself into some trouble and falling many times with my mother always there to pick up the pieces. I surely felt her hand and even her prayers during this time of healing of being lost and found. I felt her presence today continually. I still feel it. Images sometimes appear to me when I close my eyes and again there were interchanging geometric shapes concluding with a five shaped star. These as I believe emanate from a point of infinity.They were all aspects of the Star of David and even the name of David appeared. I still don't quite understand what this is all about and know this may sound crazy to some but it is always how I have seen images as an artist. I think it is all good because it is all about love. I miss my mother dearly but I think she was assuring me that we will meet again. I wish her God speed on her journey and peace! Thank you for everything, it is a debt I can never pay...
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