I believe that a person's journey in this life is to ask the questions who am I and why am I here. This will differ according to individual purpose but it requires affirming 'I am' and 'to be'. It is important to claim that right whomever one is. I guess I have settled on being an artist. It may sound cliche but we are a part of a greater universe and each a part of the divine spark. It is important to learn that we are all equal under the sun and as Albert Einstein said 'God does not play dice with the universe' . The well known seventeenth century philosopher Baruch Spinoza sees nature as the true expression of God and each of us is part of it. Knowing and affirming who you are is essential to that understanding...it is a higher purpose. It requires the fundamental acceptance of self. That too is a journey that I have just begun. I believe quite simply that this journey must begin with love. I am not saying that all Bahamians are bigots but there is a lot of bigotry here- i hear it daily. We must have more tolerance and respect for individual rights. All this is more personal to me than the declarative I have chosen to express on my blog but what I am saying is I have no shame in who I am and my 'self' is nothing to fear ...
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