I must say at this point that I choose to explain these symbols that either came strong to me in the mind or images that i repeatedly saw. In the case of the Dove I just saw its wings in flight. Also the image of the Sunflower and the Double Mobius Star came in flashes. Certainly, the color purple (violet) was very important and I saw it often. The image of the jade butterfly also taking off in flight represented femininity and love, transformation and change. I have yet to do a painting of it.Much of my symbols reflected this feminine ethos which was so important to me as it is drowned out here in the Bahamas where culture is dictated and controlled predominately by men and their sensibilities. I believe this is done deliberately to dictate and control over women, our sexuality being the most overtly oppressed. It does sound crazy but it is how I work intuitively as an artist. My style of paintings are simple but I have been creating like this for over two years intermixed with some Tourist themes - lots of coconut trees. I took time off while I was trying to clean myself up from drinking. The images are more focused and positive now after this time.Everyone has their own path as an artist, this is mine. I am in the process of developing my personal style and believe that is how the creator wishes it to be.However, I believe that we are all subliminally connected to these symbols whether we see them or not. I am revealing this not through arrogance but more to give some insight in how I work - who better to do this than the artist herself. I believe should anything happen to me that there is a significant body of work I have produced to offer guidance. I hope to live a long time and I believe that this initial stage of my creative process should be recorded as it is happening. It is not the absolute nor finite. Creation is infinite like the creator and I shall continue to change as I progress further and develop as an artist...
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