Generally, 'Hate speech is any language which disparages a person or a group on the basis of some characteristic such as race or sexual orientation. Hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against an individual, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.' I am not quite sure how this relates to the Bahamas and our laws but in some countries, a victim of hate speech may seek redress under civil law or criminal law. I believe this may be the case here as well although judging from our political incorrectness, many choose to ignore much of the prejudices that can be reflected in our language and behavior. In the West in particular, there has been a fervent debate of how it affects free speech. Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate the act of imparting information and ideas. 'The right o free speech is recognized as a human right under Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, it is generally agreed that all these laws are placed there to protect the individual or orientation from victimization. This should not be confused with freedom of thought which we are all entitled to.' I do wish to make these clear distinctions for good reasons as I sincerely believe that how one uses language creates and forms the environment which we live in. I will make another extreme analogy that it may even be responsible for any violent actions taken against another group or individual by a collective or another individual. Certainly, all this ties into everything that I have been discussion including my reason for doing my play 'Rise'. It is in response to the hate crimes within the gay community that happened in the summer of 2008. I observed and heard a lot of homophobia going around as part of our community language just before and during this time. It was as if people were being worked up into a freenzy of hate. This happens much here when there is a particular group or individual a community wishes to target ' to put the fear of God' in them. I believe this is also reflected in the rise of crimes against that individual or group. John Milton, the famous English author and poet once said ' give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.' This is primarily why I chose to 'come out' during this time and to express it freely onto my blog. I felt intimidated by a mob conscience based on their prejudices and hate. In all honesty, it is a fear that I have always lived with. I wished to join hands with my many gay friends whom I am sure felt this the most of all. I was still in my struggle of toward self acceptance but knew it was time to face it with honesty. I am from an era and time that believed we should seek to come together at a point of our humanity in spite of diversities. It is also how I view spirituality - that which is transcendent to see the universal. I suspect too that this is rather old fashioned in today's age. I have always tried to reflect this in both my writings and art. I think I have decided to follow a path where I will argue against the right to intolerance that restrict personal freedoms and prevents a person's right to self determination. On a more spiritual level, and I do wish to use this as a metaphor only, I believe we can choose to live in parallel Universes; one that exists in hatred, fear and darkness, the other in love, light and acceptance. Each symbol I have used may be inverted to bring about the opposite meaning if not seen with light and love. I just recently did a painting in which the bird I painted was inverted. It was upside down and its wings turned inward. I knew it was time to release that bird which I held as a part of me that kept me in fear and darkness. It prevented flight and freedom, love and acceptance.
Free speech is there to liberate a person from fear not to keep them within it. This point must be argued to challenge the mob mentality who feel they can control and dictate according to hatred and fear. Sadly, I have concluded it is those people who lack any true knowledge of themselves or love ...
PEACE... | ||
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