Peace...I think I have said all that I needed to say with the freedom to say it. Now just to live and create. Personally I have this desire to retire to one of the islands to write and paint to deepen and develop both. I feel soulfully tired much to do and so little time to do it in...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Phoenix...
The metaphor of Time and space...
I use the metaphor of time and space in my poetry often. For me it is an ideal state on the line of the continuum where all things are possible. It is beginning less and endless- the alpha and amega This idea appears in many religions and philosophies from Christianity to Buddhism. The early Modernist painters such as Marc Rothko, Modrian and other reductionists believed that by removing lines in space it freed the individual spirit to transcend and enter into that state of liberation and gave a deeper sense of connectedness to that creative force. My journey as an artist has predominantly been to try and understand the creative process and what that means in terms of freedom and spirituality- the imagination being the primary conduit. For the exhibit that I am planning about 'Religion, Myth and Fantasy', I believe there have been certain universal 'truths' revealed through stories and myths- in dream interpretations. I have begun research from many cultures relating to these symbols reading children s folk tales, creation myths from many cultures, ancient Indian stories to Greek mythology. I have also as far as I can tried to understand scientific understandings of the story of creation based on the laws of physics. My approach has been to strip these symbols and metaphors to its basic essence by deconstructing the narrative and story by all taking things back to the origins of creativity before time into the annals ( records) of creation and the origins of life before the first story- I call it zero. It is the point of infinity. I have taken this approach a step further by attempting to deconstruct my cultural and personal narrative. It was a point of healing for me. I do not wish to throw the baby out with the bath water as we do all need to socially organize in some sort of order but it is important to realize that we can re-create our own personal narratives and frame our identities to form a destiny with the help of a creator that I believe in. I suspect I shall have to put the play and the exhibit on the back burner temporarily until our economy picks up but I have been able to apply much of these philosophical ideas in my personal journey toward self realization and love. It is important to realize I think that we can be the co- creative force of time and space as that is the true origins of our story with light, love and energy.Of course I present the ideal state based on love but I think the practicalities lies between the reality of living one's life and the metaphor. The rest is a personal and individual journey in search of that 'truth'...That belongs entirely to you and your co-creator. I have been around long enough to understand that not everybody will love regardless or race, culture or Nationality. In that case, I just have agreed that we are on different paths and which of the parallel universes one wishes to create and live within...These are just thoughts, I could be wrong...The journey continues...peace and love!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Power to Change...
I wish to emphasize that these images and symbols were about healing but also about understanding more who I am as a woman and placed in that human and spiritual context. When I said that our culture is dominated by men and their sensibilities, it was not a disparaging remark but reflected honestly what happens here. It is how i feel women are being contained at a point of who they are and who generally have not been empowered to frame their own identity in this society. I sincerely believe this is more about control and a fear of losing power. I also think this has been true for men as well. It is not what I believe God intended as I think the Universe works toward liberating us all through equality and love. As stated before, men and women both share feminine and masculine symbols - the yin and yang. That is a controversial statement here particularly with our men who seem to stifle any thing that may resemble that quality in themselves. The women who have predominately brought up the men in our society traditionally have also attempted to squelch this in an effort to make them more 'men'. Sometimes I think that being a woman is the biggest insult based on same of the things I hear. It often seems misogynistic but I think is based is some sort of insecurity about the identity of their maleness. It is frequently played out sexually. In many other countries how men treat women may constitute as sexual harassment. I really do love men but I think we are all on this journey together to love ourselves so I will speak frankly about what I believe. I really don't think a creator placed men in charge over women and their bodies. Traditionally and culturally here this this thought has left women vulnerable to violent abuse and to question that role is to question God's authority. Many women and children have chosen in this day and age to break the silence in order to heal from these wounds and also stop these cycles of abuse. This is just one of many things that many seek to change in this society. Certainly, this is not true of all our men and women have made progressive strides in this generation to empower themselves intellectually and creatively.However, It is important to understand where we are coming from culturally and much of this has to do with power and who controls it which as the pyridine changes may evoke more violence in an attempt to hold onto that power. it is important to realize that we do not have to repeat this template and that we are all equal. These are really not the issues I wish to address but I think the creator wishes us to strive according to this equality in love not in the system of power and controls. We all part and parcel of what a society produces. I have a tendency to believe that we are (men and women ) the microcosm of the great macro universe - the center being unconditional love. This inter connectedness makes us all one. We do have the power to change and foster our own destiny with that higher understanding...God being the higher hand...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Upon a Crest
Lion martyred
upon a crest
in a weeping
heart land
on a ruined stone
can you hear
do you know
upon a crest
set in motion
over shores...
upon a crest
in a weeping
heart land
on a ruined stone
can you hear
do you know
upon a crest
set in motion
over shores...
The Hour Glass...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Free speech vs Hate speech....

Generally, 'Hate speech is any language which disparages a person or a group on the basis of some characteristic such as race or sexual orientation. Hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against an individual, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.' I am not quite sure how this relates to the Bahamas and our laws but in some countries, a victim of hate speech may seek redress under civil law or criminal law. I believe this may be the case here as well although judging from our political incorrectness, many choose to ignore much of the prejudices that can be reflected in our language and behavior. In the West in particular, there has been a fervent debate of how it affects free speech. Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate the act of imparting information and ideas. 'The right o free speech is recognized as a human right under Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, it is generally agreed that all these laws are placed there to protect the individual or orientation from victimization. This should not be confused with freedom of thought which we are all entitled to.' I do wish to make these clear distinctions for good reasons as I sincerely believe that how one uses language creates and forms the environment which we live in. I will make another extreme analogy that it may even be responsible for any violent actions taken against another group or individual by a collective or another individual. Certainly, all this ties into everything that I have been discussion including my reason for doing my play 'Rise'. It is in response to the hate crimes within the gay community that happened in the summer of 2008. I observed and heard a lot of homophobia going around as part of our community language just before and during this time. It was as if people were being worked up into a freenzy of hate. This happens much here when there is a particular group or individual a community wishes to target ' to put the fear of God' in them. I believe this is also reflected in the rise of crimes against that individual or group. John Milton, the famous English author and poet once said ' give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.' This is primarily why I chose to 'come out' during this time and to express it freely onto my blog. I felt intimidated by a mob conscience based on their prejudices and hate. In all honesty, it is a fear that I have always lived with. I wished to join hands with my many gay friends whom I am sure felt this the most of all. I was still in my struggle of toward self acceptance but knew it was time to face it with honesty. I am from an era and time that believed we should seek to come together at a point of our humanity in spite of diversities. It is also how I view spirituality - that which is transcendent to see the universal. I suspect too that this is rather old fashioned in today's age. I have always tried to reflect this in both my writings and art. I think I have decided to follow a path where I will argue against the right to intolerance that restrict personal freedoms and prevents a person's right to self determination. On a more spiritual level, and I do wish to use this as a metaphor only, I believe we can choose to live in parallel Universes; one that exists in hatred, fear and darkness, the other in love, light and acceptance. Each symbol I have used may be inverted to bring about the opposite meaning if not seen with light and love. I just recently did a painting in which the bird I painted was inverted. It was upside down and its wings turned inward. I knew it was time to release that bird which I held as a part of me that kept me in fear and darkness. It prevented flight and freedom, love and acceptance.
Free speech is there to liberate a person from fear not to keep them within it. This point must be argued to challenge the mob mentality who feel they can control and dictate according to hatred and fear. Sadly, I have concluded it is those people who lack any true knowledge of themselves or love ...
PEACE... | ||
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Star of David...(Double Mobius)

Last night there appeared a florescent Star of David again but this time it shone in the light. I think it is perhaps a sign of protection. There are other images which I choose not to share at this time.I am not Jewish and have tried to place every symbol I have seen within a more universal context as they all do surface in many other cultures and traditions. In all honesty at this point am not sure what is happening. I am a story teller and visual artist only but think it is a time for new creative energy -washing out the negative old. These images are not stopping and they are new.I should explain that I have always seen images going back for twenty years. I never quite knew what they were for and avoided putting them in my art letting them happen if they occur subliminally. I was young and had plenty ego - that is dangerous and often leads one away from a path and not toward it but I understood it was about a spiritual journey. I went through a lot confusion trying to understand it and if you speak with other artists some will tell you that they have similar visionary experiences. I learned the hard way about ego and fell often. I think I still have a lot to work on. It is a gift that requires humility as one learns you are merely an instrument within this creative experience. I have predominately worked as a community activist as an artist and teacher over the past twenty years(now retired) My personal path has been about trying to understand love on every level but more importantly where the most important love comes from through the creative process. I am a pretty ordinary person outside of these experiences although I have worked very hard as an academic and an artist over all these years in search of that truth.Honestly, I just think the symbol meant God's love which I think I needed to understand at this time. I know I have some very beautiful angels there now guiding me and feel their hand often...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I am either very foolish or very courageous to put all this down onto my blog. Time will tell. All I do know is that it took prayers and an honesty to carry me through this process of self realization- it took guidance and love from a higher source free of judgment. It seems that I have walked around for years with personal wounds that just could not heal. Some I have addressed and others I choose to remain private. I believe I come from a culture where this happens a lot. I have felt quite alone in facing them at times. I will be very honest, I am human and some I cannot love because their hatred is too strong. Others still exist in their own fears and those may or may not be faced in a lifetime which I cannot go beyond. I can only attempt to change what I can but am learning to accept what I cannot. It is an old prayer but that too is wisdom. I am not God and have limitations. These are my healing symbols, my God and self love. It was important not to judge the love nor the hate as I processed in order to move on according to life and purpose. Both may be justified.One should never be afraid of one's own thoughts or feelings nor keep them bottled up repressed. They must have air and space to dissipate or grow from. We embody all that is negative and positive. Healing comes from light not in the recesses of darkness and fear. The first half of my poetry and writings on my blog shows this - full of dark images in isolation craving light and love- searching. The other embraces life, love and light. This is where I believe a point of where true healing occurs. it is important for me to learn that others have no right to keep me in that fear. It is not God spirit that drives them to do it but the need to control over another in their desire for power. That too, as one frees oneself from it, becomes evident when exposed in the light especially when it is not centered in love...peace and respect...and really I do have to do concentrate on producing better paintings now. They really had been quite neglected and have suffered during this time...
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Symbol of the Labyrinth...

The labyrinth is the title of my blog which I have created to promote free speech. I am a Democrat and believe thoughts however absurd should have a space to be aired freely. Generally, a labyrinth is compared to a maze, but there is a distinction of the two:' a maze refers to a complex branching puzzle with choices of path and direction; while a labyrinth has only a single, non-branching path, which leads to the center.' Certainly, it has appeared in many Religions and mythologies. It is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools. At the center is the heart of God. It is a path I hope to follow although I am quite capable of losing my way quite easily and reserve that human right but I do believe a life is a sacred journey that is about change, discovery, growth and transformation. As an artist I have tried however unsuccessful at times to make it about love. At times I have failed. Some of these symbols are either things I have thought of, learned about or had images interjected as part of the creative process. I am a strong believer is reason and do not follow anything blindly without critical there is still plenty room for debate..thank God..may peace be with you and respect...
Loving with the Sun...
Setting the moon
on course
loving with the Sun
meaning without saying
seeing with eyes
from within
love being
the golden crest
sent from God
today knows
the moment
tomorrow knows
no bounds
boundless like the sea
that lives eternally...
on course
loving with the Sun
meaning without saying
seeing with eyes
from within
love being
the golden crest
sent from God
today knows
the moment
tomorrow knows
no bounds
boundless like the sea
that lives eternally...
The Symbol of Wings and Flight....
The symbol of the Wind...

Native American Symbol for Wind
I have taken the symbol of wind from a Native American perspective that invokes the power of the four winds of the earth- north, south, east and west. I have also interpreted it as symbolic spirit or the life force. The wind may represent changes in life. The greater the force of the wind, the greater the change. A very gusty wind could represent stress and turmoil but also the energy that you need or have to make changes. The sound of the wind is a sound of nature and has spiritual significance...
The Symbol of Flowing Water...

'Water is the symbol of futility, growth and creative potential. It is also a symbol for rebirth and healing in your unconscious emotions made conscious. It represents emotional energy where there is a rebirth of these emotions. 'Deep water, oceans, seas, large lakes often symbolize the collective unconscious. Smaller bodies of water may symbolize the personal unconscious. It is a feminine symbol, representing your own femininity {whether you are a male or female}'....
Measure the flow...
Measure the flow
raising water
from the weir
across a stream
the heart
like a Trammel
swelling unbound
surges over
with the tide...
raising water
from the weir
across a stream
the heart
like a Trammel
swelling unbound
surges over
with the tide...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Faith in Self...

You know, I am getting tired of talking with young black men about selling drugs in this community from generation to generation. I started this conversation when I was in my early twenties and now that I am in my late forties I wonder if things have changed here at all. It happens a lot down at the Wharf. It was not just two years ago when there was an open drug gang war going on in our community and it appeared that a whole slew of young men lost their lives to the streets, some just barely in their teens. I spoke with many at this time who seemed to lack direction but were afraid of ending up in the morgue so they wanted to give life a second chance. The stories are all so familiar and came down to the same thing of self acceptance, finding one's purpose and learning to love yourself. This time, the young men were predominately from the Haitian community who felt the most marginalized. I speak to many people out there but there are common themes happening with our youth.There is much confusion in our culture that offers very little education for any of this and leaves a people directionless and purposeless. There is far too much exploitation that goes on within it. In spite of this back drop, it does come down to knowing why you are here. As a recovering alcoholic, I often looked down on the drug dealer or addict. I still have little time for them unless they wish to clean themselves up but my drug was just as bad only legal. I have found as with myself that abusers of substances have given up on life and have lost faith in everything including themselves. Of course there are Geo political reasons why there are so many lost souls wondering about but ultimately the responsibility for one's life comes down to one's self. That too is a universal truth no matter who we are. It requires having the courage in being who you were intended to be regardless of the obstacles. Life is far more complicated than what I suggest and things do not always work out the way one plans it but all is a journey of self discovery and that realization brings us closer to the truth. I think my approach has always been to offer love and guidance with some very practical ways of setting a course forward toward this agenda. It does help in knowing what your culture is and what it is all about in order to recognize the touch stones for a point of departure. I am just beginning to learn to take some of my own advice. We as a people are very good at treating the problem but not in recognizing why the symptoms occur. Many feel conflicted as did I from where they are and what they feel a desire to be. All this does require trusting one's self, believing in who you are and seeing yourself within a larger purpose. Having lived in three countries I have observed that the world is a tribal place no matter what race, culture or clan you are from. I have had to transcend this beyond that reality. Learning to discover who you are with love requires the big step in having faith in yourself and this applies to everyone...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
At this point I don't believe I have time for a relationship...there is much to create and so little time to do it in! What I have learned to do is put my faith one hundred percent in God before all else! I really owe that to the dream I had of my mother who showed me that prayers are essential and a good way to keep you humble as the hand leading is greater...many rainbows this week sometimes two in a day!
The symbols of Infinity...

I had a strange image that faintly emerged. At this point I can only say that I am human and may project some of these images but it is interesting all the same. I did see several geometric interchanging shapes of stars with different values . It is when the thought of infinity came up in linking some mathematical equation in relation to creation and my understanding of God. Infinity is a secular mathematical symbol for infinity in numbers, time or space. It is how I try to paint by removing lines in space to create greater freedoms. Creativity is an act of liberation. I have taken my lead from the great modern and Romantic visual artists from Turner , Van Gough, Picasso to the abstract expressionists such as Jackson Pollack. Infinity doesn't have a value. It's an ideal number. Certainly, I am no mathematician by any stretch of the imagination and still count with my fingers but the thought has occurred and one that has repeatedly come up in my poetry in particular the idea of zero - nothing and everything. It is boundless. Thus the value of nothing is everything- it is a point of line where all is possible. I shall approach this philosophically as I believe that the universe is more than a mathematical equation or the laws of physics. I shall explain how this relates to me personally regarding faith. It is merely conjecture as it is beyond proof at this time. God transforms infinite potential into experience.The symbol for infinity is also Universal sign and appears in many cultures from ancient times. I believe God exists at the point of zero mathematically and philosophical. It is where the energy of love emerges bringing creation into existence. On a more mundane point, the moon was very beautiful tonight!
Friday, October 22, 2010
From...'Bahamian Rhapsody'
careful not to bay at the moon
this wolf more like sheep
too poor to wear a tattered garment
once proudly thinking it was gold
to shield against a cold, cold wind
pushed down into the slits of my house
I huddle and bend in memories found
as bitter winds blow into the cob
entangles a mind in a net of chain
an intricate web of cotton- thread
spun from a worm's secretion
criss -crossed with illusions
fish scales placed like armor
to guard a worn and fragile soul
still to perish in this storm
winds blow hard against a cart
carrying it further to the sea
deeper still into the oceans
from whence and where spirit is born...
careful not to bay at the moon
this wolf more like sheep
too poor to wear a tattered garment
once proudly thinking it was gold
to shield against a cold, cold wind
pushed down into the slits of my house
I huddle and bend in memories found
as bitter winds blow into the cob
entangles a mind in a net of chain
an intricate web of cotton- thread
spun from a worm's secretion
criss -crossed with illusions
fish scales placed like armor
to guard a worn and fragile soul
still to perish in this storm
winds blow hard against a cart
carrying it further to the sea
deeper still into the oceans
from whence and where spirit is born...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Creation and the Infinite...

I must say at this point that I choose to explain these symbols that either came strong to me in the mind or images that i repeatedly saw. In the case of the Dove I just saw its wings in flight. Also the image of the Sunflower and the Double Mobius Star came in flashes. Certainly, the color purple (violet) was very important and I saw it often. The image of the jade butterfly also taking off in flight represented femininity and love, transformation and change. I have yet to do a painting of it.Much of my symbols reflected this feminine ethos which was so important to me as it is drowned out here in the Bahamas where culture is dictated and controlled predominately by men and their sensibilities. I believe this is done deliberately to dictate and control over women, our sexuality being the most overtly oppressed. It does sound crazy but it is how I work intuitively as an artist. My style of paintings are simple but I have been creating like this for over two years intermixed with some Tourist themes - lots of coconut trees. I took time off while I was trying to clean myself up from drinking. The images are more focused and positive now after this time.Everyone has their own path as an artist, this is mine. I am in the process of developing my personal style and believe that is how the creator wishes it to be.However, I believe that we are all subliminally connected to these symbols whether we see them or not. I am revealing this not through arrogance but more to give some insight in how I work - who better to do this than the artist herself. I believe should anything happen to me that there is a significant body of work I have produced to offer guidance. I hope to live a long time and I believe that this initial stage of my creative process should be recorded as it is happening. It is not the absolute nor finite. Creation is infinite like the creator and I shall continue to change as I progress further and develop as an artist...
The Symbol of the Butterfly...

The Butterfly is a symbol of change or transformation, joy and love. It also reflects the soul. The image I saw was green or more appropriately jade. 'This symbol promotes spiritual awareness, femininity and love.' The Color of anything is not very important as they all emanate from the divine spectrum of light and carry equal weight in love...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Eye Symbology...
Symbolism of The Sacred Dove and the flight of the Great Eagle...

'Simply, the flight of a Dove universally symbolizes innocence, gentleness, peace and constancy. It connotes the presence of God with the deepest kind of Peace. It's image stills troubled thoughts, and is a renewal in the silence of our minds'...
Symbolism of the Sun Flower...

'Sunflowers turn to follow God. Their open faces symbolize the sun itself , conveying warmth and happiness, adoration and longevity. It also is a metaphor for the purity of love. The meaning of a sunflower can also come from Greek mythology. There are several myths which tell of nymphs who were in love with gods and for whom the sunflower became part if their symbolism. For instance, it is said that Apollo, the sun god, had a water-nymph who fell in love with him and spent every day staring at the sun. When she was never noticed by Apollo himself, other gods turned her into a sunflower. Sunflowers follow the sun’s path. The image of a flower is a symbol of pure love and represents all things sensual and sacred'...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Catch a dream...

Rock gently
into quiet slumber
catching dreams
in a web
of magical delights
falling through
a cloud
to swim in a river
washed with butter milk
rock candy standing
along the banks
and among
the fields
hold onto
the tail of fire flies
sail away
sail away
into the night...
'Originally the 'Native American dream catcher was woven on twigs of the red willow using thread from the stalk of the stinging nettle. The original web dream catcher of the Ojibwa was intended to teach natural wisdom. Nature is a profound teacher. These twigs are gathered fresh and dried in a circle or pulled into a spiral shape. Dream catchers were woven by the grandfathers and grandmothers for newborn children and hung above the cradleboard to give the infants peaceful, beautiful dreams. '
Monday, October 18, 2010
Metaphor, Symbols and Philosophy...
I have taken this time on my blog to explain my world view in order to help understand these metaphors, symbols and philosophy that I use in my art and writings- to help me understand how I think after years of being an artist. It is specific to myself and based on a personal journey and interests. It will grow and change as I continue the creative process. May it be a long life of learning. This must be approached with humility as I truly do not know where creativity ultimately comes from or what a God looks like but I am beginning to find a truth for myself and that is always a beginning. I suspect I will never have the complete picture just may be pieces of the puzzle. Some of these philosophies have been forgotten by many in this new post modern age although as in any thing, I have addressed creativity and spirituality in a subjective way with the addition of my own feelings and discoveries, learning primarily from my mistakes. I have been eclectic in my approach and really until now it has been a collection of knowledge that I have never thought to connect in any compressive way or through line. It is why I wished to do the exhibit ' Religion, Myth and Fantasy' dealing with symbolic language to reveal universal truths. I see images, colors and dream. I can also be quite delusional in my expectations - it is the way of a romantic artist.What I have learned in terms of freedom is that beyond the clouds is a wonderful universe which I believe was intelligently designed by a creative force.I hope this has been as beneficial to others reading this as it has been to me. I hope you don't mind me sharing.It has been a step by step process as each fear or revelation occurred. It does not matter where one is the heavens are always there, big and wide.I thank your indulgence...peace, love and respect...and may we each find love on every level...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Earth and the Heavens...

I have tried as an artist, whose journey started off fishing and playing the drum some years ago, to find a greater truth in my creative expression stumbling most of the way. This search has included music, movement, writing and a visual arts while trying to explore a maze of realities through individual and personal growth. Creativity has become an embodiment and a spiritual metaphor for life itself. I hope I have transcended this original cultural understanding to include a metaphysical existence, embracing my larger humanity in relation to the Universe. .
The original spiritual symbol I used of the Double Mobius Star- a six sided geometric hexagram, commonly known as the shield of of David, means "as above, so below." It represents the polarity of opposites; fire/water, masculine/feminine, heaven and earth- the Sun and the Moon. It is a symbol of perfect peace and balance of the higher and lower selves.
My initial search for acquiring this knowledge began with my studies of earth cultures- predominantly African and Native American with some influences of Buddhism, Christianity and the theories of the Western metaphysicians. It is still what I use to communicate art by relaying some basic universal truths while differentiating a personal journey which has been influenced by a specific cultural environment. I rely on intuition juxtaposed with a rationalization which I express in a modern semi- abstract/ Folk tradition. This is also the philosophy of my writing although I have a tendency to be influenced by classical and modern writers.
This for me, however, is more than art. It is about finding a spiritual path toward happiness in relation to God that has its origins in creation from choas to order( cosmos) and vice versa - the centre being love.. Although I started off as a traditional Drummer, it is important I believe to learn to march to the beat of one's own Drum to find that individual rhythm inside. It goes beyond country but finds one a greater place in the world....and with my faith, on earth as it is in the heavens...
Following the Sun...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday Night...
Evening chillin'
by the bay
under the stars
from porch
and veranda
summer breezes
drifting gently
after the day...
by the bay
under the stars
from porch
and veranda
summer breezes
drifting gently
after the day...
Ali Farka Toure...
Blues Africa
heart string
sailing through
an indigo night
harp string
to the moon...
heart string
sailing through
an indigo night
harp string
to the moon...
For Miriam Mekeba
Pata Pata
dance Afrikan
drum steady
tomber and rise
voice dripping
honey dew
in click song...
Pata Pata
dance Afrikan
drum steady
tomber and rise
voice dripping
honey dew
in click song...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
layering bricks
cementing structure
through weathered
layering bricks
cementing structure
through weathered
Hard Workin'...
Hard workin'
fill pockets
no money
hand come
hand go
stretch and pull
sweat to play
wake up
to start
another day...
fill pockets
no money
hand come
hand go
stretch and pull
sweat to play
wake up
to start
another day...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Market place....
Paintings slung
wooden shelves
woman sitting
in front of
market stall
name calling
Loud and familiar
sea scenes
stretched along canvas
sunsets and fish
clatter and shouts
bad talkin'
overflowing like beads
and shells...
wooden shelves
woman sitting
in front of
market stall
name calling
Loud and familiar
sea scenes
stretched along canvas
sunsets and fish
clatter and shouts
bad talkin'
overflowing like beads
and shells...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010

I believe that a person's journey in this life is to ask the questions who am I and why am I here. This will differ according to individual purpose but it requires affirming 'I am' and 'to be'. It is important to claim that right whomever one is. I guess I have settled on being an artist. It may sound cliche but we are a part of a greater universe and each a part of the divine spark. It is important to learn that we are all equal under the sun and as Albert Einstein said 'God does not play dice with the universe' . The well known seventeenth century philosopher Baruch Spinoza sees nature as the true expression of God and each of us is part of it. Knowing and affirming who you are is essential to that is a higher purpose. It requires the fundamental acceptance of self. That too is a journey that I have just begun. I believe quite simply that this journey must begin with love. I am not saying that all Bahamians are bigots but there is a lot of bigotry here- i hear it daily. We must have more tolerance and respect for individual rights. All this is more personal to me than the declarative I have chosen to express on my blog but what I am saying is I have no shame in who I am and my 'self' is nothing to fear ...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Light and Love...

This is one final entry as I really do wish more privacy for a moment but I had one final image to add that came to me last evening - the symbol of a florescent jade butterfly. It is about transformation and change, that which has morphed. I have always believed that stars were beyond my reach but the Sun is the biggest star. It is the center of the solar system. Of course I use this symbol merely to reflect an attitude toward life but believe metaphorically it is also the spark for creativity emanating love and light - an instrument for God. Like I said these are my understandings only and how I perceive it. This star was never out of my reach and love is always there. It is the most valuable lesson to learn of all...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
So as much as I love writing my bad poetry and pontificating, I think I shall take an hiatus from all this blogging unless of course I feel compelled to put something down. I believe I have a play to write which in all honesty I have also neglected so my effort will go there and to earning my living. This for me is more than being gay, anyone can explore any facet of themselves - that too is a journey and it may not mean that one is necessarily gay. I think what I feel about my attitude toward these struggles I have gone through is that it completes my humanity which connects me to a greater understanding of purpose. I hope to be treated as any human being would be. Until we meet again....
Friday, October 1, 2010
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