Sunlight hits eye
a glance
toward morning
flashing brilliance
steaks of brightness
fills the day
one look
and the world is right...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The great spirit...

feet crossed and hand stretched high
watch the Sun fall into night
lie in the lap of fuchsia sunsets
bite down into the juice of its peach
wrap up warmly in its colours
bathe naked in the fullness of moon
covered only by a cloud
always sit on that mountain side
and watch idly as life goes by.....
"Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days (Eccles. xi. 1). When the Nile overflows its banks the weeds perish and the soil is disintegrated. The rice-seed being cast into the water takes root, and is found in due time growing in healthful vigor. "The expression "cast your bread on the surface of the waters," is taken from the custom of sowing seed by casting it from boats into overflowing rivers, or in marshy ground. When the waters recede, the grain will fall to the soil and spring up.
I shall cast bread upon waters
for the day has come
where laborers wait not vainly
upon soulful efforts
grains of self fall onto soil
generations past knew it well
and through their toil
each seed sprung up
to bring the harvest in
"Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days (Eccles. xi. 1). When the Nile overflows its banks the weeds perish and the soil is disintegrated. The rice-seed being cast into the water takes root, and is found in due time growing in healthful vigor. "The expression "cast your bread on the surface of the waters," is taken from the custom of sowing seed by casting it from boats into overflowing rivers, or in marshy ground. When the waters recede, the grain will fall to the soil and spring up.
I shall cast bread upon waters
for the day has come
where laborers wait not vainly
upon soulful efforts
grains of self fall onto soil
generations past knew it well
and through their toil
each seed sprung up
to bring the harvest in
Crisis of Faith....
I have returned to believing in a creator although I have still chosen not to follow any Organized Religion. I did go through a crisis of faith which had to do with my transformation and transition of being gay. It is important to emphasize that as an artist I have always followed a spiritual path, exploring many faiths and beliefs. It is hard sometimes to continue to believe in something when all about you seems chaotic or if things do not work to plan in ones own life. It is also difficult to continue to follow any thing once understanding how this has been manipulated for the sake of power. This happens a lot here and elsewhere. I believe I have highlighted things in the Judaic, Christian faith that are relevant to a progressive way forward and which are being discussed elsewhere. The question that has always arisen with me, as someone who has always been a devout follower, is whether a God could accept me for my preference. I have concluded that a loving God accepts everyone and further more has made us all as part of a grand design. When I was a child I once wore a fine garment. It was so beautiful that everyone who passed admired it. I was proud to be seen in the cloth. I went home and took off the clothes and displayed it on the bed, looking at it with all its beauty. I wished to wear it always. I soon realized it was not me they were admiring but the garment I wore. I thought to myself that something that could be so easily taken off was not me at all. This is how I feel about the realization of being gay. If others can not accept me for who I am away from what I wore on the outside then they were not seeing me for who I really was. I have decided to strip myself of this garment. At times I feel exposed but it is where my true faith comes in and a greater belief in a higher authority.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Passage of time...
I am here
but for a time
figures drowning
into eternity
sometimes the sea
cold as ebony
like a leper
trying to reclaim
his arms and legs
cut off
from the past
I let go of each limb
spirit taking body
dropping into a pool
and blood
flowing like water
remembering life
with the passage of time...
but for a time
figures drowning
into eternity
sometimes the sea
cold as ebony
like a leper
trying to reclaim
his arms and legs
cut off
from the past
I let go of each limb
spirit taking body
dropping into a pool
and blood
flowing like water
remembering life
with the passage of time...

Great creator
I surrender
to your higher power
a prayer
reaching mountains
where rivers flow
I return to spirit
a promise made
long ago
with hand
stretched out
mapping the passage
faith renewing
song for you
every lyric
uttering this refrain
love and heart
wide as the sky
I paint this
for you
before all else
laying prostrate
to thy hand
may it lead
with love
I get angry
and forget
to say
thank you...
Sky as Canvas...
Painting the sky
broad and wide
tracing Sun flowers
and birds
as they fly
into the Sun...
broad and wide
tracing Sun flowers
and birds
as they fly
into the Sun...
Friday, August 27, 2010

I feel there may be some who may think that what I choose to illustrate with regards to the rise of Fundamentalism and compare it to fascism that I may be exaggerating. I say to them that I know a cross section of this society and there is great deal of unrest. I experience and talk to people from all walks every day and our divides are great. Perhaps there are a section of people who are not exposed to the levels of disenfranchisement and the deep resentment it has caused. Of course there are people who are managing to work through our divisions and I say more power to them. It is important, however, to remember certain touch stones in history that have given rise to fundamentalism and those that are currently happening. Nazi Germany is one where it was a dis-empowered and impoverished people that brought in the rise of Adolf Hitler although we have seen this successively happen through out the world and on every continent after world war Two. It is foolish for people in the Bahamas to think that such inequalities in wealth will not bring about a violent and extreme backlash in this society. It is also perfect fodder as history has shown for extreme fundamentalism. The recent attempt of the Christian council to censor Kareem Mortimer film 'Children of God' at the Bahamas international film festival due to its gay content is an example of how this can affect artists and free speech. I suspect I will have some problem with my play 'Rise'. It is something that I am patently aware of and am prepared to challenge within our Democracy. I intend to open my mouth and speak...It may seem silly for some what I say who may not have the vision to see what is happening but freedom of speech is a fundamental right which I hold sacrosanct. In 1859 'On Liberty', an essay by the philosopher John Stuart Mill, argues for toleration and individuality. 'If any opinion is compelled to silence, that opinion may, for aught we can certainly know, be true. To deny this is to assume our own infallibility.'
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice. The term fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Benito Mussolini in Italy (1922-43), and the regime of the Natzis in Germany were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
I Surrender..
The divide too wide
the wars too deep
each to his or her side
I'll stay by mine
It is our way
I surrender
now I accept
still to breathe
into the Sun
live in the glory
of its light
what will be
shall be.....
the wars too deep
each to his or her side
I'll stay by mine
It is our way
I surrender
now I accept
still to breathe
into the Sun
live in the glory
of its light
what will be
shall be.....
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Body Politic...

'The powers at play in body politics include institutional powers expressed in government and laws, traditional and cultural attitudes. Individuals engage in body politics when people are denied rights to control their own bodies. The struggle for equal rights emphasizes an individual's power and authority over their own body.'
Into and beyond...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Free speech...
I feel now that I can become the artist that was I intended to be. It is difficult not to be afraid of expressing what one is feeling with honesty and without fear if one is gay. This is a rebirth with new metaphors and an elaboration on the ones I have. As an artist I must follow the path of my truth beyond censorship complete with free speech. I intend to test the ethics of this Democracy and within the backdrop of a pluralistic and diverse society. It is important for everyone to feel that they are safe to be who they are free of persecution or the fear of being harmed. Until this is possible in our society for all then it is important to continue challenge these orders of control which seek to intimidate individuals into submission. Certainly I am not just a gay artist and have a wider view other than that marginalization but I shall no longer be afraid of living it either...
Friday, August 13, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
I had two very vivid images and dreams of matriarchs in my family. One was my mother, the other my father's mother. They were very strong figures in my family and their presence assured me that all will be well and that a path was laid out for me regardless of any discrimination. We are really very prejudiced here. I was encouraged to continue to be honest about who I am...I go forward now with them in mind in peace unity and love...
Friday, August 6, 2010
Side streets...
Portuguese ghetto
Down side streets
in the alley
around the side
guitar serenading
over cafe tables
candle light
forms a halo
through summer breezes
chilled sangria
grilled sardines
pork and clams
and memories
of you...
Down side streets
in the alley
around the side
guitar serenading
over cafe tables
candle light
forms a halo
through summer breezes
chilled sangria
grilled sardines
pork and clams
and memories
of you...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I am not an activist merely an artist but I now stand united with my lesbian and gay brothers and sisters in the Bahamas but also world wide. It is not easy reaching this understanding about oneself. My journey has been one marred with confusion and pain. Part of the pain has been the conflict I encountered just trying to understand what it was all about. I now know that there is not just one way and Gay people are as diverse as the rainbow.I suspect it is a process one has to learn for oneself.In my day there was little affirmation and very little discussion about the subject except in it being unnatural and evil. I know both of these to be untrue.There is now a younger and more courageous generation who have also helped me understand that you don't need to ask permission in being your self. It is silly but at age 47yrs I often wonder if I have reached this conclusion far too late in my life. I think it is important however to share this struggle with others as I know how difficult it could be and how lonely it can become. I shared your silence and understood the pain. I hope the breaking of my silence can bring you courage to be, perhaps not as public as I have declared but to yourself. Personally, I have just had enough of these bigots!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Being Strong...
It is not surprising that many gay people in the Bahamas choose to be silent about their lifestyle as there are real fears surrounding persecution as a result of it. It may have repercussions on one's job not to mention the nasty things that are said about the individual but I say to these people who find themselves in this situation to see these other people as the ones with the real problem. This society is backwards and it stifles any progress about personal liberties because it insists on parochial isms that are outdated. This is just a word of encouragement to continue to live life according to one's self. I am gay and it has been a long struggle just to learn to love myself. I could write a book on it perhaps one day I will.The first right afforded to anyone should be the right to love. It is beautiful to be who you are. May be I'm biased but I am beginning to think that gay people are perhaps the nicest people and the most courageous. Peace and continue to be strong in who you are...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Home and Country...
I just had a conversation about the state of conditions in our country. I can't help thinking that we are our worst enemies when it comes to any progress regarding here. I know there is a lot of potential based on the people I meet from all walks and back grounds but they seem to be as frustrated as myself when it comes to actually being able to get into the system to make affective changes. There truly are far too many divisions and prejudices existing which is why many opt to leave the Bahamas and work and live else where. I consider this daily. There really must now be proper dialogue happening to heal our divides so that well meaning people can help us grow and progress. I hear things like 'that one is a sissy' or 'that one is a PLP' or 'that one is a FNM' or 'that one is white' or 'that one is a foreigner'. In the mean time our Country is going to the dogs. Personally, I have never been able to get into the system to make any contribution. I suspect with my new revelations that will be even more a reason to exclude me further. I don't know what can be done to start changing this place other than a complete new start but sometimes it is just good to air one's frustrations. I just hope they don't blame me for any of it as I have never been able to get in at any time. So if your looking to blame someone then look at the people who have been running this place because others of us have only been able to address any thing from the fringe. It is criminal what is happening here and it is just being done for the sake of power and control. I think a Nation now is beginning to wake up. Perhaps that is when real change will happen. I hope it can be done with all of our efforts and perspectives but perhaps that is being too optimistic. I think any concerned citizen should continue to rebel against the staunch traditional strangle hold that has this Nation gripped into a stasis. Those who have placed themselves in positions of power should move wisely to create an environment which is conducive to all of us as citizens so that we can move more progressively together with some sort of unity. personally, I don't know how anyone is going to help anybody when there are such awful things being said about everybody. So for now I think the marginalization will continue to happen where the gap between the educated and the not educated will widen and this can be identified culturally...
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